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All posts from Online Bidder Enrollment : Assam eProcurement System

Organisation : Assam Government eProcurement System
Service Name : Online Bidder Enrollment
Applicable States/ UTs : Assam
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Assam Tenders Online Bidder Enrollment

For Online Bidder Enrollment you have to follow the below Steps,
1. Click Online Bidder Enrollment link to perform registration

Related / Similar Service :
Assam eProcurement System Check Tender Status Login


A page for enrollment will be displayed.
** Enter a valid email address for login ID. The login ID cannot be modified once registered.

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** Provide a password which must be minimum 8 characters and maximum 32 characters and must be a combination of alphabets and non-alphabetic characters.

** Confirm the password by re-entering and then click Next.
** Enter the details as per the fields and click Next.

Personal Details :
** Provide the details as per the fields asked.
** The fields marked with red asterisk are mandatory.
** Company Name cannot be change once registered.

** Please read the question given at the bottom of the page once after filling up the details and answer it.
** Click submit to save the entries
** Enter the company details

Note :
** The following slide explains the fields mandatory for the Foreign Bidder.
** If the Bidder choose the Bidder type as Indian, skip the next slide.

** For the Foreign Bidder, Country name is Mandatory and the PAN number is not required.
** Enter the contact details
** Click submit once you have finished entering the details.

Verification & Confirmation

** After submitting, the details entered will be displayed which can be verified . Click Submit for confirmation.

DSC Registration

Pre-Requisites for DSC Registration

** The Bidder becomes a valid bidder only after the registration of the DSC
** Bidders need to posses a valid DSC for participating in eTendering (either class 2/class3 DSC)

** Bidders need to register DSC 24 hrs prior to Bid submission.
** It can be procured from any of the Certifying Authority registered under CCA Sify, nCode, MTNL, eMudra etc

** Respective DSC Drivers needs to be installed.
** DSC needs to be physically inserted into the system.
** DSC should appear in the Browser.

** Enter the login ID and password.
** Click Login
** Click Signing Certificate to sign the certificate.
** Select appropriate name and click Ok.

** Click OK once DSC is enrolled successfully
** Click Next to continue
** Bidder Details Confirmation page will be gets displayed
** Click Submit to Confirm.
** The Left menu gets displayed only after DSC enrollment.

After DSC enrollment, the menu for bid submission gets displayed :
** Search Active Tenders-Click here to search the tenders.
** Archived Clarification -Click Archived Clarification to see previous clarification

** My Tenders- To move tenders in which bidder intends to participate.
** My Archive- Lists the tenders which are moved from my tenders (after bid submission).
** Bid Opening (Live) -Click Bid Opening (Live) to get the current status of the Bid opening

** Clarification- Enables to seek clarification related to tenders from the tender inviting officials.(Seek Clarification would be available only if it has been configured in the Tender by TIA)

** My Bids- Lists all bids submitted, allows resubmission and withdrawal.
** Tender Status- Stages in which various tenders which are under processing can be seen.

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