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Organisation : Participatory Guarantee System for India
Service Name : Consumer Verification
Applicable States/ UTs : All Over India
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PGS India Consumer Verification

Please enter the following details for Consumer Verification,

Related : Participatory Guarantee System Certification Process by Regional Council :

1. Select verification option Local Group or Certificate Number
2. Enter Certificate Number
3. Please Enter Following Captcha Text
4. Click on the Verify button

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Verification of Certification by Consumers

National PGS website will be the database for the entire programme. To make the system transparent entire data base will be kept in public domain. Even the surveillance reports and residue analysis reports will also be made available on the website.

Consumers or public will be able to access the summary reports of LG, details of groups, products being offered by each group and their certification status.

The information in respect of farmers/ groups which have lost their certification will be available on the website for a period of at least 5 years after the loss of certification status occurred.

With access to unique ID code of particular product, consumers will be able to access the entire information on the group in respect of past history, cultivation practices and peer appraisal reports etc.

Efforts will also be made in the programme to launch SMS based internet traceability system in which, through SMS consumers will be able to know the certification status of the product in question with origin of the produce.

National Project on Organic Farming

National Project on Organic Farming (NPOF) is a continuing central sector scheme since 10th Five Year Plan.

Planning Commission approved the scheme as pilot project for the remaining two and half years of 10th plan period with effect from 01.10.2004 with an outlay of Rs. 57.04 crore. The scheme is continuing in the 11th plan with an outlay of Rs.101.00 crore.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How PGS-India program is different from an NGO based PGS of PGSOIC?
PGS program run by PGSOIC is a similar guarantee system, but is operated by a group of NGOs. It is not Government approved guarantee system and can be best referred as private labeling initiative.

2. Can PGS-India certified products be exported to other countries?
PGS-India certification program is applicable for local and domestic market. PGS certified products cannot be exported to other countries as organic.

3. Can an individual farmer get PGS certification?
No, individual farmer cannot be certified under PGS-India program. PGS-India is a group certification program. Individual farmers either need to become member of the existing PGS-India group or create their own group with minimum of 5 members or need to opt for third party certification.

4. Does farmer groups can be trusted for their self declared process
Yes. In PGS-India system it is a group of producers which collectively certify their produce based on each others’ verification. This assessment system is further endorsed by an institutional system (RC) supported by nationwide Government system.

5. Whether consumers, traders or other members away from the PGS local group can participate in certification process?
Yes they can participate in peer appraisal and decision making, (not mandatory). PGS-India provides for their participation to increase the trust.

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