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Organisation : Community and Rural Development Department
Scheme Name : Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana
Applicable States/ UTs : Meghalaya
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Meghalaya CNRD Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana

The Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India has launched a new programme known as “Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana” (SGSY) by restructurin g the existing schemes namely

Related : Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan PMSMA Scheme :

** Integrated Rural Development Programme (IRDP)
** Training of Rural Youth for Self Employment (TRYSEM)
** Development of Women & Children in Rural Areas (DWCRA)
** Supply of Improved Toolkits to Rural Artisans (SITRA)
** Ganga Kalyan Yojana (GKY)
** Million Wells Scheme (MWS)

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The SGSY Scheme is operative from 1st April 1999 in rural areas of the country. SGSY is holistic Scheme covering all aspects of self-employment such as organization of the poor into Self Help Groups, training, credit, technology, infrastructure and marketing.

The scheme will be funded by the financial institutions, Panchayat Raj Institutions, District Rural Development Agencies (DRDAs), Non Government Organisation (NGOs), Technical institutions in the district; will be involved in the process of planning, implementation and monitoring of the scheme.

NGO’s help may be sought in the formation and nurturing of the Self Help Groups (SHGs) as well as in the monitoring of the progress of the Swarozgaris. Where feasible their services may be utilized in the provision of technology support, quality control of the products and as recovery monitors cum facilitators.

The scheme aims at establishing a large number of micro enterprises in the rural areas. The list of Below Poverty Line (BPL) households identified through BPL census duly approved by Gram Sabha will form the basis for identification of families for assistance under SGSY.

The objective of SGSY is to bring assisted family above the poverty line within three years by providing them income generating assets through a mix of bank credit and Government subsidy. The rural poor such as those with land, landless labour, educated unemployed, rural artisans and disable are covered under the scheme.

The assisted families known as Swarozgaris can be either individuals or groups and would be selected from BPL families by a three member team consisting of Block Development Officer¸ Banker and Sarpanch.

SGSY will focus on vulnerable section of the rural poor. Accordingly the SC/ST will account for at least 50%, Women 40% and the disabled 3% of those assisted.

Skill Upgradation

Once the person or group has been identified for assistance, their training needs also to be ascertained with reference to Minimum Skill Requirement (MSR).

The assessment regarding technical skills would be made by line departments and that of managerial skills by the banker, while scrutinising the loan applications. Swarozgaris possessing skills will be put through basic orientation programme which is mandatory.

This programme includes elements Book Keeping, knowledge of market, identification and appraisal, acquaintance with product costing, product pricing, familiarisation with project financing by banks as well as basic skills in the key activity identified.

It will be for a short duration of not more than 2 days. BDOs, Bankers and line departments will act as resource persons for imparting the training. The training expenditur e will be met by DRDAs.

For those beneficiaries who need additional skill development/Upgradation of skills, appropriate training would be organised through Government Institutions, it is, Polytechnics, Universities, NGOs etc.

Swarozgaris will be eligible for loans under SGSY when they possess Minimum Skill Requirement, and it will be disbursed only when they have satisfactorily completed the skill training.

For this training, Swarozgaris will be entitled for financial assistance if they are required to undergo training for more than a week. The rate of assistance would be fixed locally. The bank will provide loans to the Swarozgaris for this purpose.

However, as the credit has to be extended before the project is taken up, notwithstanding the general security norms for lending under the scheme, banks may extend loans for skill development training with or without collateral/third party guarantee at their discretion.

Activity Clusters, Key Activities

Major share of assistance up to 75 % (both by number and funding) will be for key activities and they should be taken up in clusters. For this, 4-5 key activities will be identified for each block with the approval of Panchayat Samithis at block level and DRDA/ZP at the District level.

One or two activities in each block would be identified during 1999-2000 so that implementation can be started straight away.One farm activities to be assisted would be included minor irrigation such as open dug well/bore/tube well/lift/irrigation/check dam etc.

Non form activities will include those activities that result in the production off goods/services that have ready market. The unit cost as fixed by the regional Committees of NABARD should be taken into consideration as indicative cost while fixing the unit cost for the farm sector.

In regard to loans falling under ISB Sector, the responsibility of fixing the unit cost and other techno-economic parameters is of the District SGSY Committee.

The selection of activities should be such that it would afford the Swarozgari an opportunity to expand his asset and skill base in three years and at least in the third year the net income would be not less than Rs. 2,000 /- p.m.

Self – Help Groups (SHGs)

The Self-Help Groups shall be organised by Swarozgaris drawn from the BPL list approved by Gram Sabha. The Scheme provides for formation of Self-Help Groups (SHGs), nurturing and their linkage with banks. Group activities will be given preference and progressively majority of the funding will be for Self Help Groups. Half the groups formed at block level should be exclusively women groups.

SHG under SGSY may consist of 10 to 20 persons belonging to BPL families. In case of minor irrigation and in the case of disabled persons this number may be a minimum of 5 persons. The group shall not comprise more than one member of the same family.

A person should not be a member of more than one group. SHG may be an informal group or registered under Societies Act, State Co-operative Act or as a partnership firm. The assistance (loan cum subsidy) may be extended to individuals in a group or to all members in the group for taking up income generation activities.

In States and Union Territories where the formation of SHGs has not taken root, banks may continue to extend credit facilities to eligible individual Swarozgaris. Revolving Fund

Every SHG that is in existence at least for a period of six months and which has demonstrated the potential of a viable group will receive a revolving fund of Rs. 25,000 /- from banks as cash credit facility.

Of this a sum of Rs. 10,000 /- will be given to the bank by the DRDA. Banks may charge interest only on the sum exceeding Rs. 10,000 /-.

The revolving is provided to the groups to augment the group corpus so as to enable larger number of members to avail loans and also to facilitate increase in the per capita loan available to the members.

The revolving fund imparts credit discipline and financial management skills to the members so that they become credit worthy. SHGs that have demonstrated their successful existence, will receive the assistance for economic activities under the scheme.

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