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e-Pay of VAT & CST Daman & Diu : Value Added Tax Department

Organization :Daman & Diu Value Added Tax Department
Facility : e-Pay of VAT & CST

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Home Page :
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e-Pay of VAT & CST :

E- payment website :
The website address of E- Payment for Department of VAT, UT Administration of Daman & Diu is. ddvat

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Related : Daman & Diu VAT e-Registration of VAT & CST :

E – payment of Returns :
Step 1 :
Please visit .ddvat and click on e-Payment. In the next screen ,select the type of Tax (VAT or CST) you want to pay and Click on it.

Step 2 :
Enter your TIN. On entering of TIN, your name and address will be displayed automatically.

Step 3 :
Select the payment type you would like to make for eg. Monthly, Quarterly or On Department Demand. If it’s Monthly enter the Year and select the Month. If Quarterly,enter the Year and select the Quarter. If On department demand, then enter Order no., Order date and Designation of the officer who had issued the order .

Step 4 :
Enter the tax details such as tax amount, interest amount and penalty amount.

Step 5 :
Now select the bank through which you want to make the e -payment. Click on Next, the screen will display the details of the transaction that has been entered. Now click on Submit. The system shall generate a unique Commercial Tax Reference number (CTD Ref. No.). Note this number for future use.

Step 6 :
Now click on ‘Click here for Payment’. You will be directed to the net -banking website of your choosen bank. All the details entered in Step 1 to Step 5 will be automatically passed to the net-banking website. Enter your internet bankinglogin and password as givenby your bankand confirm the transaction. The net -bankingwebsite will display the e-paymentslip with all the details. The bank e-payment slip can beprinted or saved to a file for future reference. The net- banking website has a link to return to Commercial Tax website. On clicking of this link, you will be directed back to Commercial Tax websiteor else the b ank website shall automatically redirect the link back to the departmental website.

Step 7 :
On returning, the payment details are automatically updated to the Department of VAT e Payment website.At times I nternet may get disconnected after making the payment in the bank website. In suchcases, you can use the Verify option to update the payment details

e – Payment of Registration Fees :
Step 1 :
Please and click on e-Payment . In the next screen , select Registration Fees and Click on it.

Step 2 :
Select the Type
(VAT or CST) for which you want to pay the Registration fees.

Step 3 :
Enter the Acknowledgement No. and Acknowledgement Date received after application submission and click Go.

Step 4 :
The system shall display the details such as the Company name and CompanyAddress,as entered by you at the time of online application. The amount of Registration fees shall be displayed in the application.

Step 5 :
Now select the bank through which you want to make the e – payment. Click on Next, the screen will display the details of the transaction that has been entered. Now click onSubmit. seethe system shall generatea unique Commercial Tax Reference number (CTD Ref. No.). Note this number for future use.

1 Comment
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  1. How much is the registration fee? Is this different to the fee that is given to get the VAT/CST number?

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