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All posts from NMEW National Mission For Empowerment Of Women Scheme

Organisation : National Repository of Information for Women
Scheme Name : National Mission For Empowerment Of Women NMEW
Applicable States/ UTs : All Over India
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National Mission for Empowerment of Women (NMEW) aims to achieve the holistic empowerment of women through convergence of schemes/programmes of different Ministries/Department of Government of India as well as State Governments.

Related : National Repository of Information for Women Adoption Process :

Under the NMEW scheme, technical support is being provided by domain experts to the Ministry of Women and Child Development.

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These domain experts are involved in the implementation and monitoring of new initiatives of the Ministry such as Beti Bachao Beti Padhao, One Stop Centres, and Women’s Helpline etc.

State Resource Centres for Women (SRCW) have been established to provide technical assistance to Departments of Women and Child Development/Social Welfare in respective State/UT Administrations on issues related to women. 25 SRCWs are currently functional.

In order to facilitate convergence of schemes/programs at the ground level, Poorna Shakti Kendra (PSK) project was approved in a pilot mode in selected districts which entails setting up of convergence centres at the District, Block and Gram Panchayat level.

PSK projects are currently operational in 19 districts. With the learning from Poorna Shakti Kendra project, Village Convergence and Facilitation Service (VCFS) has been approved for Beti Bachao Beti Padhao districts and 200 high burden districts (affected by malnutrition) in the country.

VCFS aims to create awareness through Village Coordinators on issues related to women and facilitate convergence & coordination with the Gram Panchayats.


The Committee of Governors (CoG) set up to study and recommend strategies for speedy socio-economic empowerment of women recommended the “Establishment of National Mission for socio-economic empowerment of Women”.

National Mission for Empowerment of Women was operationalised during the financial year 2011-12 as a Centrally Sponsored Scheme in April 2011.

The focus was to bring convergence of efforts through inter-sectoral coordination amongst different ministries and programmes with Ministry of Women and Child Development (MWCD) as the nodal for achieving holistic empowerment of women.

Following the restructuring of Centrally Sponsored Schemes (CSS) during the 12th Plan period, NMEW was approved for continuation as a sub-scheme of the Umbrella Scheme for Protection and Development of Women.

Revised NMEW Scheme

National Mission for Empowerment of Women (NMEW) aims to achieve holistic empowerment of women through convergence of schemes/programmes of different Ministries/Department of Government of India as well as State Governments.

Under the revised Scheme, technical support to Ministry of Women and Child Development is being provided by domain experts who are involved in the implementation and monitoring of new initiatives of the Ministry like Beti Bachao Beti Padhao (BBBP Scheme), One Stop Centres, Women Helpline etc. and also facilitates convergence of schemes/programmes of different Ministries/Departments with focus on women.

At the national level experts engaged in the area of :
a) poverty alleviation economic empowerment,
b) health and nutrition,
c) gender budgeting & gender mainstreaming,
d) gender rights gender based violence and law enforcement,

e) empowerment of vulnerable and marginalised groups,
f) social empowerment & education,
g) media and advocacy and
h) information technology

The scheme aims strengthen the conceptual and programmatic basis of women centric schemes/programmes implemented by the MWCD, other Ministries and State Government with the mechanism for convergence.

Training & Capacity Building to enhance and strengthen understanding of gender issues, build a Resource Pool (trainers) at the National and State level to bridge gaps between knowledge and practice will be the other focus area of NMEW.

Key Strategies

** Inter-sectoral convergence of schemes meant for women, monitor and review the progress on regular basis in collaboration with partner Ministries/Departments. Domain experts from NMEW will serve as link between MWCD and respective Ministries/Departments.

** Undertake research, evaluation studies, reviews of programmes and legislation, gender audit and outcome assessment to build evidence for policy intervention and programmatic reform.

** Strengthen institutional framework for support service for women through training and capacity building of frontline functionaries.

** With support from rural and urban local bodies and community groups garnish efforts to strengthen public education on gender, behaviour change and social mobilization.

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