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Organisation : NIEPID National Institute for the Empowerment of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities
Scheme Name : Deendayal Disabled Rehabilitation Scheme
Applicable For : Person with Disability
Applicable States/ UTs : All Over India
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NIEPID Deendayal Disabled Rehabilitation Scheme

The enactment of the Persons with Disabilities, Equal Opportunities and Protection of Rights Act of 1995 is a landmark legislation and an expression of India’s commitment to social justice.

Related : SJE NGO Grants Proposal Online Application & Processing Tracking System :

The Scheme of the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Govt. of India, simplifies and facilitates procedure for easy access to Govt. support for NGOs with the aim to widen the scope and range of programmes.

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It will address the unmet need of over 95 percent Indian citizens with disabilities who have not had access to services so far.


The Objectives of the Scheme
** To ensure effective implementation of the Act.
** To encourage voluntary action.
** To create enabling environment.

** To ensure equal opportunities, equity and social justice to persons with disabilities.
** To empower persons with disabilities.

** To implement outreach and comprehensive Community Based Rehabilitation programmes in urban and rural environments.
** To enhance education opportunities at all levels and in all forms.

** To enlarge the scope of vocational and professional opportunities, income generation and gainful occupations.
** To support all such measures as may be necessary for promoting formal as well as non-formal employment and placement opportunities.

** To support people with disablities in projects which are environment friendly and Eco promotive.
** To support effort to ensure protection of human, civil and consumer rights persons with disabilities.

** To support legal literacy, including legal counselling, legal aid and analysis and evaluation of existing laws.
** To support the development publication and dissemination of information, documentation and training materials.

** To support the conduct of surveys and other forms of epidemiological studies.
** To support (a) construction and maintenance of building, (b) furniture and fixtures, and (c) installation and maintenance of machinery and equipment.

Eligible Organisation

1. The organisation should be :
(a) Registerd under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 (XXI of 1860) or any relevant Act of the State/Union Territory; or
(b) a public trust registered under the law for the time being in force; or

(c) a Charitable Company licensed under Section 25 of the Company Act, 1958.
(d) It should have a legally constituted managing body.
(e) It is not run for profit to any individual or a body of individuals.

The organisation should have been functioning for at least two years at the time of applying for grant under the scheme.

In case relaxation to this condition is required detailed justification should be given. Secretary (SJ&E) is empowered to waive this condition, for reasons to be recorded in writing.

Extent of Support

1. The quantum of support shall be determined on the scope and merits of the project proposal, which could be upto 90 percent.
2. The norms of payment are mentioned in the scheme booklet.

3. If an organisation has already received or is expecting to receive a grant from some other official source for a project for which application is being made under this scheme,the grant under the scheme will be sanctioned after taking that into account. The applicant will have to give information/ declaration to that effect.

4. The grant will be released in two instalments normally.

Procedure for Submission of Application

For New Project

The application for the new projects will be sanctioned on the recommendation of the State Government/State Commissioners/National Institutions/Organisations/ any other system designated by the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment for this purpose on the form prescribed.

For Continuing Project

(i) Application is to be submitted on prescribed form for release of first instalment.
The required documents to secure release of first instalment are :
** Audited/Unaudited accounts for the previous year indicating the expenditure incurred on each sanctioned item vis-a-vis the grant sanctioned.
** Budget estimates for the financial year for which grant-in-aid is required (showing recurring and non-recurring items separately).

(ii) The NGO will then apply for second and final instalment after utilisation of the grant released during the previous financial year. If any, in the prescribed format.

The required documents to secure final instalment are :
1. Annual Report of the previous year.
2. Audited Statement of accounts of previous year (Receipt and Payments statement, Income & Expenditure Statement) and Balance Sheet.

3. Audited utilisation certificate with itemwise expenditure as per the sanctioned items of grant.
4. Details of staff employed

5. Details of beneficiaries
6. Assets acquired wholly or substantially out of government grants under GFR 19

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