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Organisation : Registrar Co-operation Department Haryana
Scheme Name : Mukhya Mantri Dugdh Utpadhak Protsahan Yojna
Applicable States/ UTs : Haryana
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RCS Mukhya Mantri Dugdh Utpadhak Protsahan Yojna

Haryana being a buffalo dominant area results into low milk production during the month of summers particularly April to September.

Related : RCS Registration Process of Cooperative Society Haryana :

Due to low production and high demand of milk during this period, milk procurement goes down to almost 1/3rd comparison to milk procurement in flush season (winter).

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Due to limited milk procurement in summer and more demand of milk and milk products it is difficult to fulfill the market demand.

In addition to above, the level of recombination of milk powder and white butter goes high for supplementary milk supply, limiting milk marketing and also it invites quality complaints.

The milk of Cooperative Societies diverts milk to NCR region where more prices are offered. The private players pay more prices to attract milk producers.

With the entry of AMUL in Haryana, the base of cooperatives is being eroded as they are paying much higher price to the producers than Haryana Dairy, due to their greater muscle strength And unless the Federation pays a higher procurement price there is no likelihood of any substantial increase in procurement level particularly in summer season.

And unless procurement increases substantially from the present level the Dairy Cooperatives Milk Unions will not become viable.

So it is essential to give remunerative prices to the milk producers for sustainable growth of Dairy Sector in Haryana State In order to ensure increased supply of milk with Milk Cooperatives the State Government announced a new scheme‘Mukhya Mantri Dugdh Utpadhak Protsahan Yojna in Haryana’.

This scheme is being implemented by the Haryana Dairy Development Cooperative Federation Ltd. Panchkula.

In order to divert the milk procurement towards Milk Unions, subsidy @ 5Rs.5/- per litre is being given to milk producers on the total milk procured by Milk Unions in the lean period i.e. June to September every year.

Co-Operation Department

The Objective and the role of Co-operation Department is to see that genuine Co-operatives are organized and managed on sound lines as per basic principles of Co-operation for the promotion of the economic interests, social betterment and welfare of the people and to render guidance and assistance for the development in the state.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the Principles of cooperation?
Cooperative Principles are guidelines by which cooperatives put their values into practice.
The Cooperative principles are :
** Voluntary and open membership
** Democratic member Control
** Member economic participation
** Autonomy and Independence
** Education, Training and information
** Cooperation among Cooperatives
** Concern for community

2. Which are the institutions working for the development of cooperative movement in india?
National Cooperative Union of India (NCUI) and National Cooperative Development Corporation (NCDC) are the important agencies working for promotion of cooperative movement in India.

3. What are the steps/check list for forming a cooperative society?
Steps involved for forming a Cooperative Society under a state act :
** Prescribed application duly filled in shall be made to the Registrar of Cooperative societies;
** the application shall be accompanied by four copies of the proposed Bye-laws of the society;

** Where all the applicants are individuals, the number of applicants shall not be less than ten;
** the application shall be signed by every one of such applicants if the applicants are individuals;
** if the applicant is a society, by a member duly authorised by such society;

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