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Organisation : Maharashtra Pollution Control Board
Service Name : Online CEMS Data Submission Procedure
Applicable States/ UTs : Maharashtra
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MPCB Online CEMS Data Submission

This Open API document will be used for integrating multi-software clients to Maharashtra Central Server Software.

Related : MPCB Procedure for Conducting Public Hearing :

All communication between Central Server and acquisition clients (at Industry site) are all managed through HTTP-based REST API. All the API are authenticated.

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Any approved software client complying with the specified open API can upload the data to the Central Server.

Key Concepts

The following are the key concepts to be followed while working with the Open API
1. Site ID : Unique Site ID identifying the specific industry
2. Monitoring ID : Each Site has multiple monitoring stations. Each monitoring station will be assigned a unique monitoring ID relative to the Site

3. Analyser ID
: Each analyser make and model will be assigned a unique Analyser ID
4. Parameter ID : Each monitored parameter will have a common unified ID across all industries

Key API Requirements

** Each site client software has to collect the data from the analyser based on the poll frequency defined. Ideal frequency for data sampling from analyser is 10 second.

Data transmission to the Central Server should be at 1 minute frequency. The raw data and linearized data should be transmitted to the server along with the data quality code and captured timestamp.

** Optional for Pilot Phase : The captured data should be transmitted to the Server immediately after encrypting the data with the digital private key.

This digital private key should be kept safe and shouldn’t be tampered with or disclosed to others. The Client Software should provide a mechanism for generating industry specific digital signature to establish the data connectivity with Central Server Software.

Industry should procure the Digital Signature as soon as possible, provide the details of the Digital Signature and use that for data encryption to ensure authentic tamper proof data transmission.

** The transmitted data should be encrypted zipped data in ISO-7168. All API request data transfer should be using a REST Service over HTTP protocol.

** The client site software should wait for successful upload and also read subsequent instructions (Remote calibration, Configuration update, Diagnostics information etc.) from the Central Server Software

** On receiving instructions on Remote calibrations or Configuration update, the site client software should invoke the Remote Calibration or Configuration update services to download the corresponding configurations.

** In-case of any communication failure or any delayed data transmitted beyond a period 15 minutes, site software should store the data the locally and upload to the Delayed Data Upload URL and not to the Real Time upload URL.

This is to ensure that the delayed data is captured separately at the Central Server and can be tracked for any integrity issues.

** All client should transmit data captured directly from the analyser from the site location. Any data transmission from different location will be rejected by the server.

** All the requests from the client to the server should be authenticated requests only. Any unauthenticated requests will be discarded or not processed.


1. Which parameters to be sent, any specific or all gas parameter?
All parameters specified as per CPCB guidelines has to be sent to MPCB.

2. What is the frequency of the File? Do we need instantaneous data or average record?
Transmission has to be at 1 Minute frequency. Average data with poll frequency of 10 seconds for 1 minute to be captured and sent.

The data should be with the proper quality codes. Refer to question 6 for details on Quality Code. If Transmission is not done within 15 minute, then it should be posted as delayed data.

Transmission time to the data time shouldn’t have more than 15 min lag. If delayed, post as delayed data only, otherwise feed will be rejected. Delayed Data has to be transmitted with Data Quality Code “L”.

3. What is the File Transmission Mechanism, FTP, and REST?
There is no FTP based transmission. All upload has to HTTP Rest based transmission. The URL will be provided once the Pre-deployment form for the site is completed. There are very specific URL for the site, so the URL is shared only once the Pre-deployment checklist is completed.

Add a Comment
  1. How Did you authenticate since, the provided encryption key is 64 byte long but for encryption we have to use 32 byte key.
    How did you reduced the key length?

  2. I am pushing data to MPCB server through rest API but getting below error

    {“status”: “Failed”, “header”: “Invalid Request Format”, “statusMessage”: “ERROR 1006 TYPE7”}

    I am doing basic authorisation

    site_id,api_version,timestamp,encryption_key and then encrypt to pass through authorisation

    Please guide me on this.

    1. Have you completed this ?

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