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Organisation : Indian Railways
Facility : Indian Railways E-Procurement System (IREPS) Registration
Applicable For : Vendors
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How To Register For Indian Railways E-Procurement System?

For Indian Railways IREPS E-Procurement, Vendor must open ” New Vendors” link from Home page and fill login registration form to obtain User ID and password for future use and direct participation in E-tenders.

Related / Similar Facility : Indian Railways HRMS Retired Employee Registration

NREPS E-Procurement Vendor Users can directly click on “NREPS Users Click Here” link after clicking on “New Vendors” link so as to register themselves with IREPS as well.

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Before proceeding for registration, please check browser settings of your Computer System [as available on Home page] and import the public key of your Digital Signature Certificate to „Other People‟ of Internet browser after exporting it.

In their own interest, E-Procurement vendors are advised to furnish correct, valid and currently in use e-mail address to receive password and other important communication through e-mail

Process Period of IREPS

Generally it takes three clear working days to respond to E-Procurement vendor‟s online registration request in IREPS. Vendors are requested to submit correct information such as Name of the firm, User‟s name etc. as mentioned in Digital Signature Certificate (with adequate Validity and Class III) in order to get prompt response.

They are also advised to check that they are not already registered with IREPS.

System generated password (which is mandatory to be changed after first login) is sent to the e-mail address provided at the time of filling the registration request, this e-mail ID will also serve as User ID. In case, registration request is rejected an e-mail is sent to the user duly assigning the reasons for rejection.

Connect to, click „Login‟, enter your registered email ID as user ID and enter the password received in your email. System will prompt to change the password immediately. Change the password of your choice as per „Password Policy‟ displayed on the same page.

Then system will prompt to fill Statutory and Bank details of your firm. But the system will prompt it again, when you Login. This information is necessary in your own interest which can be viewed / edited from the right navigation links.

How To View IREPS Bills Status?

A new feature has been provided to enable E-Procurement Vendors/ Contractors to view the status of their Bills for Payment submitted to Indian Railways. The status can be viewed by clicking on View Bills Status link on their Bidder Home page.

IREPS Bills status can be viewed only after mapping of IREPS account with the party code allotted by Accounts department. Mapping can be done by clicking on Map Accounts Deptt. Party Code link on the Bidder Home page.

FAQ On IREPS E-Procurement Digital Signature Certificate

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) On IREPS E-Procurement Digital Signature Certificate

What is the significance of digital signature certificate?
Digital signature certificate helps in establishing integrity of document/ information, authentication and non-repudiation of the person submitting any document/ information on the web site.

Electronic document/ information digitally signed using digital signature certificate, provided by ca licensed by cca of india, are only recognized as legally valid document/ information as per I.t. Act 2000 and such
document/ information can be verified by the receiver.

After a vendor has obtained a digital signature certificate issued by ca in the name of authorized person, who is authorized for submitting on-line offers, the vendor can participate in e-tenders on ireps application.

How to view digital signature certificate?
Please install the driver for crypto token from the compact disk (cd), supplied along with the crypto token, as per procedure prescribed by supplier of the digital signature certificate in the manual.

Insert your usb crypto token in the in the usb port of the computer. If the driver for crypto token is properly installed, you can see the digital signature certificate in personal folder in the internet explorer.

To view the personal folder, please open internet explorer, click on tools ->internet options-> content->certificates, by default personal folder is visible. Select your certificate and view it. In case the certificate is not appearing, please contact the supplier of digital signature certificate.

How to export public key of the digital signature certificate from the crypto token?
Insert your crypto token into usb port and open your internet browser and go to tools-> internet option->content ->certificates.

Select your certificate and click on „export‟. A certificate export wizard window opens, then click on next and then assign a location and a filename in your computer to
store the certificate.

Note: by exporting the certificate only public key of the certificate is getting stored in a file.] an alert message like “the export was successful” is displayed.

How to import public key of the digital signature certificate into web browser?
Open your internet browser and go to internet option->content tab->certificates -> other people and click on „import‟.

A E-Procurement digital certificate import wizard window opens, then click on next and then select the file containing the public key (created during the export process) and click next and after this select the „other people‟ location to install your certificate [by default other people is pre-selected] and then click next and after then click finish. An alert message like “the import was successful” is displayed.

Features of IREPS

Indian Railways E-Procurement System (IREPS) is an online platform developed by Indian Railways to facilitate procurement of goods, works, and services. Here are some features of the IREPS:

Online Procurement:
IREPS provides an online platform for Indian Railways to procure goods, works, and services. The entire procurement process, from tendering to award of contract, is done online.

IREPS provides transparency in the procurement process as all information related to tendering, bidding, and award of contracts are available online.

IREPS makes the procurement process more efficient by reducing the time taken for tendering, evaluation, and award of contracts. It also reduces paperwork and manual intervention, making the process more streamlined.

IREPS provides a secure platform for the procurement process, ensuring that only authorized personnel have access to the system.

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  1. Please let me know the registration status

    Registration Request ID. : NR1020278

    Please let me know the registration status.

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