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All posts from Grievance Registration & Know Your Status : Bihar State Food & Civil Supplies Corporation

Organisation : Bihar State Food & Civil Supplies Corporation Limited
Service Name : Grievance Registration & Know your Status
Applicable States/ UTs : Bihar
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How To Do SFC Bihar Grievance Registration?

Follow the below steps for SFC Bihar Grievance Registration

Related / Similar Service : e-Challan Download Bihar

1. Select Type*
2. Select Grievance Category *
3. Enter Name *
4. Select District*
5. Select Block *
6. Select Panchayat
7. Select Village
8. Enter Address *
9. Enter Phone No/Mobile No*
10. Enter Email Id
11. Enter Grievance Description*
12. Upload Attachment1
13. Upload Attachment2
14. Upload Attachment3
15. Click on the Register button

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How To Know Your Grievance Status?

To Know Your Grievance Status, Follow the below steps.

1. Enter Grievance Reg. Id
2. Click on the Get Status button

Bihar State Food Corporation

Bihar State Khadi and Civil Supplies Corporation Limited was formed on 2 April 1973 under the Companies Act, 1956.

Department of Food and Consumer Protection, one of India’s largest public distribution system, through which distribution of wheat, rice etc., through more than 45,000 ration shops, about 8.57 crores coming under Antyodaya and National Food Security Act Is distributed to the public.

Bihar State Food and Civil Supply Corporation, which is the nodal unit for implementing the public distribution system, transparency and accountability and by preventing disturbances and diversions, The system is being implemented.

Salient Features of ePDS

** Prepare fully self-managed stock exchanges.
** Automatically matching the amount of the fixed dues of the value of the food by the shopkeeper of the self-propelled public distribution system.

** Establishment of Electronic Weighing Machine for giving accurate weight of the quantity of food to the shopkeepers of the public distribution system.
** According to Act 12 (2) (e) of National Food Security, in the appropriate vehicle in transport, the G.P.S. And use of load cell.

** Supervision of the operation of the vehicles in the control room located in the District Office of the State Food Corporation and headquarter.

What is the Procedure For Hearing The Appeal?

Procedure For Hearing The Appeal

1. Memorandum shall he presented by the appellant or his agent to the National Commission in person or be sent by registered post addressed to the Commission.

2. Every memorandum tiled under sub-rule {1} shall be in legible handwriting preferably typed and shall set forth concisely under distinct heads, the grounds of appeal without any argument or narrative and such grounds shall be numbered consecutively.

3. Each memorandum shall be accompanied by a certified copy of the order of the State Commission appealed against and such of the documents as may be required to support grounds of objection mentioned in the memorandum.

4. When the appeal is presented after the expiry of the period of iirnitation as specified in the Act. the memorandttm shall be accompanied by an application supported by an affidavit setting forth the facts on which the appellant relies to satisfy the National Commission that he has sufficient cause for not preferring the appeal within the period of limitation.

5. The appellant shall submit slit copies of the memorandum to the Commission for official purpose.

FAQ On SFC Bihar Grievance Registration

Sure, here are some frequently asked questions (FAQ) about SFC Bihar Grievance Registration:

What is SFC Bihar Grievance Registration?
SFC Bihar Grievance Registration is a service that allows you to register a grievance with the State Food Commission (SFC) of Bihar. The SFC is a statutory body that is responsible for protecting the interests of consumers in Bihar.

What are the benefits of registering a grievance with SFC Bihar?
There are many benefits to registering a grievance with SFC Bihar, including:
** Your grievance will be investigated by the SFC
** The SFC can order the trader or manufacturer to take action to resolve your grievance
** The SFC can award you compensation if your grievance is upheld

What are the requirements for registering a grievance with SFC Bihar?
To register a grievance with SFC Bihar, you need to have the following:
** A valid email address
** A valid mobile number
** Proof of purchase (e.g., receipt, invoice)
** Details of your grievance (e.g., what happened, when it happened, who was involved)

How do I register a grievance with SFC Bihar?
To register a grievance with SFC Bihar, you need to visit the SFC website and click on the “Grievance Registration” link. Once you have clicked on the link, you will need to provide your personal information and the details of your grievance.

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