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All posts from DSM Scheme : Assam Power Distribution Company

Organisation : Assam Power Distribution Company Limited (APDCL)
Service Name : DSM Scheme
Applicable States/ UTs : Assam
Website :

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It has always been the mandate of APDCL to make its consumers aware about saving of energy as energy saved is energy produced.

Related : APDCL myBijulee Mobile App :

In order to encourage the people to use LED (Light Emitting Diode) bulbs in place of incandescent bulbs, tube lights and CFL bulbs, Domestic Efficient Lighting Programme (DELP) was launched by Government of India. The DELP scheme provides LED bulbs at a subsidized rate for replacing traditional or CFL lamps to households.

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LED bulbs are more efficient, long lasting and economical in their life cycle duration. LED bulbs consume lesser electricity and has more life span compared to next best CFL bulbs. Health point of view also, LED bulbs emit lesser ultraviolet and infra-red radiation.

APDCL has also launched distribution of energy efficient LED bulbs to its customers at subsidized cost as part of this project. Use of LED bulbs will significantly reduce the energy consumption which will help in saving of energy for a brighter tomorrow.

Implementation Agency

The Electricity Distribution Company i.e. APDCL and Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL) a public sector body of Government of India are implementing the programme.


Eligibility of acquiring LED bulbs :
Every grid-connected consumer having a metered connection from their respective Electricity Distribution Company can get the LED bulbs at about 40% of the market price under the DELP Scheme.

Documents Required

Documents required to be submitted to get LED bulbs from our electrical sub-divisions are
** Photo copy of the latest electricity bill
** A copy of photo ID proof
** A copy of residential proof (The address on the residential proof must match the address on the electricity bill.)
** Payment receipt for the latest electricity bill

Smart Grid for Smart City

Guwahati has chosen as one of the smart cities under Government of India Smart City Project.

In a smart city, energy, water, transportation, public health and safety, and other key services are managed in concert to support smooth operation of critical infrastructure while providing for a clean, economic and safe environment in which to live, work and play.

The energy infrastructure is arguably the single most important feature in any city. If unavailable for a significant enough period of time, all other functions will eventually cease.

Smart Grid Pilot Projects in Assam :
Ministry of Power has allocated 14 Smart Grid pilot projects that will be implemented by state-owned distribution utilities in India. Out of these 14 Pilot areas, Assam Power Distribution Company Ltd. (APDCL) is one of them covering approximately 15,000 nos of consumers.

Functionalities chosen for APDCL Pilot :
** AMI (Advanced Metering Infrastructure) for Residential,
** AMI for Industrial,
** Demand Side Management and Demand Response,
** Peak Load Management,
** Power Quality Management,
** Outage Management,
** Distributed Generation.

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