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Organisation : Industries & Commerce Assam
Service Name : Claim under Freight Subsidy (FSS) Scheme
Applicable States/ UTs : Assam
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Industries Assam Claim under FSS

You have to follow the below procedure to apply for the Claim under Freight Subsidy Scheme,

Related : Industries & Commerce Assam Angel Fund Scheme :

Check List

1. The unit should have valid registration under the Freight Subsidy Scheme (FSS), 2013 issued by the concerned General Manager, District Industries & Commerce Centre (DICC).
2. The claim application should be submitted on quarterly basis but within one year from the date of incurring expenditure on transportation of raw material and finished goods.

3. Case specific checks are to be done for the following
(a) for wood based unit, all conditions laid down by Hon’ble Supreme Court fulfilled
(b) no claim for transportation cleared in respect of “own vehicle”
(c) transportation of coke breeze not included by cement producing units
(d) claim by flour mills is not in respect of wheat purchased from the Food Corporation of India
4. Ensure that the right application forms are filled up.

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Process & Sequence Of Steps

** Apply in the prescribed application Form along with all relevant Forms/Annexure, Documents, certificates, etc to the General Manager, DICC of the concerned district on quarterly basis.

** On receipt of the application and relevant supporting documents as per checklist, same should be verified by the district officials of DICC and forwarded to the Commissionerate of Industries & Commerce within 30 days from the date of receipt of application.

** On receipt of the application along with the supporting documents from the DICC, it would be re-verified through a team of officials of Commissionerate and placed before the State Level Committee (SLC) constituted for the purpose for approval.

** On approval of SLC, the minutes of the meeting will be forwarded to DIPP to depute a Pre- Audit team to re-examine the proposals.
** On receipt of Report of Pre-Audit team, DIPP will release fund to NEDFi for further disbursement to the unit.

Guidelines For Filling Up the Form

** All columns of the form are to be filled up.
** All pages of the application Form/ Annexure should be signed by the authorized person with his official seals.
** All certificates annexed with the documents need to self attestation.
** All application should be on quarterly basis by end of March, June, September & December.
** Applicant may also put their digital signature in the specific column.

Eligibility Criteria

** The activity should under the purview of FSS, 2013 and should not be in negative list.
** Unit should have the pre-registration as per FSS, 2013.

How to Apply

i. Steps for applying :
** Apply in the prescribed application Form along with all other relevant Annexures, Documents, certificates, etc to the General Manager, DICC of the concerned district on quarterly basis.

** On receipt of the application and supporting documents, the same should be verified by the district officials of DICC and forwarded to the Commissionerate of Industries & Commerce within 30 days from the date of receipt of the application.

** On receipt of the application from the DICC, it would be re-verified through a team of officials of Commissionerate and placed before the State Level Committee for approval.

ii. Complete form with supporting documents to be submitted concerned DICC.
iii. Details guidelines may be obtained at or
iv. Ensure that all the relevant documents ready with the applicant.
v. There is no fee to pay for this service.

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