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Rajasthan Tax : File VAT & CST e-Returns

Organization : Rajasthan Department of Commercial Taxes
Facility : File VAT & CST e-Returns

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File VAT & CST Returns Online :
1. Log on to the web portal of Commercial Taxes Department
2. Sign up on the web portal by providing your Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) and other registration details. Upon successfully signing, logon to the portal using your TIN.
3. Download the necessary Java Runtime Environment (JRE) component required for functioning of the digital signature system. Use the website link available on the portal for downloading the JRE component. Once the component is downloaded, install it on your computer using the instructions provided on the Java website.
4. Go to e-services home page and map your digital signature certificate using the icon provided – this is a one time activity. If you change your certificate, un-map the existing certificate and then map new certificate.
5. For filing of e-returns for the period before Financial Year 2011-12 ( till 31st Mar 2011), click on VAT e-Return/CST e-Return links for VAT & CST return filing respectively from the e-services home page.
6. For filing of e-returns for the Return Period Financial Year 2011-12 onwards (from 1st Apr 2011), select e-Returns (VAT) link from the e-services home page. As VAT & CST forms have been merged and dealer would need to file a single composite return only.
7. Download the pre-defined templates of VAT (Quarterly – VAT-10, Annual – VAT-11, VAT-10A) / CST returns available on the web portal and prepare your returns using these formats only. It is mandatory that your returns are prepared in these prescribed formats only to be able to carry out efiling.
8. Sign one document at a time starting from VAT-10; thereafter upload and submit each signed document. If there are any errors, correct them and re-sign and upload.

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Pre-Requisites For e-Returns Filing :
1. Have a Computer and Internet Connection at your Office / Home.
2. Sign-up on CTD Web Portal using your TIN.
3. Get a digital signature from any one of the 8 Certifying Agencies authorized by the Controller of Certifying Authorities (CCA), Govt. of India.

Important Guidelines to prepare the Returns Templates :
1. Special characters like ` ~ ! $ % ^ * ( ) AT # & ‘ ” { } ; : < > – / \ + = – _ [ ] and comma are not allowed. Follow the instructions displayed in excel templates.
2. Maximum field length of Numeric data is up to 14 digits including 2 decimal digits in templates that need to be filled for the period before Financial Year 2011-12.
3. Maximum field length of Numeric data is up to 16 digits including 2 decimal digits in templates that need to be filled for the period from Financial Year 2011-12 onwards.
4. Don’t use any separator like “,” or “-“for fields which contains numeric data.
5. If Numeric fields contain no data then leave it blank or enter 0 in place of entering “-”.
6. For data fields, enter dates in “DD/MM/YYYY” or “DD-MON-YYYY” format in templates that need to be filled for the period before Financial Year 2011-12.
7. For data fields, enter dates in “DD-MON-YYYY” format in templates that need to be filled for the period from Financial Year 2011-12 onwards.

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