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Organisation : Department of Steel & Mines
Facility : RFID Based Mineral Tracking System
Applicable State : Odisha
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What is i3ms RFID Based Mineral Tracking System?

i3ms RFID Based Mineral Tracking System is operated by Odisha Department of Steel & Mines. Hybrid solution is required where dependency on connectivity is minimal RFID card to carry info. From Mine to check gate. RFID reader at Check gate to collect information and CUG towers to transmit to central server for updation.Verification by the officials any where through SMS

Related / Similar Facility : i3ms Odisha Mineral Carrying Vehicle Registration

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Weighing at Mines

** The Govt. staff ( checking Staff) will be required to fill up the Transit Pass as is operating at present.

Apart from this, he will enter the vital information in an application
** Truck number
** Transit Permit number and Date
** Weight of carrier
** Tare weight of the carrier
** Name of the carrier owner

** The system will create a sequence of encrypted data and push it to the RFID card. The RFID card will be provided to each truck owner.
** Then the RFID along with the TP copy will be returned to the Carrier Owner.
** The information on the RFID card will always be updated and previous data will be erased before new data is written on it. One Card can be reused 1,00,000 times.
** Each card will cost about RS. 55/- and can carry up to 4 KB.

Check Gates

** The information entered to the RFID card at the Mines Weight Bridge will be updated at the central server.
** When the truck enters the Check Gate, the checking staff will collect the Transit Pass copy and RFID card from the carrier driver for inspection.
** At the same time the weight of the carrier will be taken on the weight bridge.
** There will be one RFID Card reader that will capture the information stored in it.
** This data will be cross verified with the Transit Permit copy, actual weight as well as with the central server.
** Also the data will be transferred to the central server.

Railway Siding

** Before dumping minerals at the railway siding the carriers should have checked by the check gate.
** This check gate will have same process as mentioned in other check gates
** While checking the truck data will be updated in the central server as well
** Once data updated system can generate MIS of mineral transported through railway siding

About i3MS :
Odisha is endowed with about one third of the estimated national mineral resources. International and domestic demand for minerals has grown steeply in the past decade.

This was preceded by a slump in the global mineral industry lasting well over a decade. Particularly, for iron ore the demand and consequently its prices increased sharply triggering a series of issues and challenges for the government.

Benefits of i3MS RFID Based Mineral Tracking System

The i3MS RFID Based Mineral Tracking System has several benefits. It helps to improve the transparency of the mineral sector, it helps to reduce illegal mining, and it helps to ensure that the government receives the correct amount of royalty payments from mineral production.

Here are some of the benefits of using the i3MS RFID Based Mineral Tracking System:
** Transparency: The system provides a transparent view of the mineral sector. This helps to reduce corruption and it helps to ensure that the government is able to track the movement of minerals.
** Reduced illegal mining: The system makes it more difficult for illegal miners to operate. This is because the system tracks the movement of minerals and it can identify trucks that are carrying minerals without the proper permits.
** Increased royalty payments: The system helps to ensure that the government receives the correct amount of royalty payments from mineral production. This is because the system tracks the movement of minerals and it can identify trucks that are carrying minerals without the proper permits.

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