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Organization : Tamil Nadu Blood Transfusion Council
Facility : Online Blood Bank Management System
Applicable State : Tamil Nadu

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Blood Bank Management System :

TANSACS and Tamil Nadu Blood Transfusion Council jointly work for the promotion of Voluntary blood donation and ensure the availability of safe and quality blood, accessible to the needy

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** With support of the Red Cross Society, Youth Red Cross, Red Ribbon Clubs, Social Welfare Organization etc. to promote the voluntary blood donation movement
** Support capacity building and trained staff sufficiency at all blood banks for rendering self-sufficient and quality blood transfusion services
** Assist quality management programmes for blood transfusion services

Why one is not allowed to donate blood before attaining the age of 18 years :
Physiologically there is no harm in donating blood in the early age. The reason is legal, 18 being the age of consent in our country.

Why is my finger pricked before donation :
To estimate “haemoglobin” content in blood. This is the component of the red cells which transport oxygen in the human body to all the organs and tissues. If the level is low, it is not wise to give blood.

What physical tests are performed before blood donation :
** Weighing (not less than 45 kg)
** Hb estimation (12.5gm/100ml by copper sulphate method)
** Measurement of blood pressure (systolic 160/100 mmHg; diastolic 90/60 mmHg)
** Checking heart beats (60 – 100 times per minute), condition of liver, lung and spleen
** Body temperature (37oC)

Why blood is not collected from a person having a haemoglobin content of less than 12.5 gm/l00ml :
Hemoglobin in the blood carries oxygen from the respiratory organs (lungs ) to the rest of the body (i.e. the tissues) where it releases the oxygen to burn nutrients to provide energy to the organism, and collects the resultant carbon dioxide to bring it back to the respiratory organs to be dispensed from the organism. Hence blood with less Hb content than the prescribed (12.5gm/100ml) does not help the patient much in carrying oxygen to cells.

Will I become anemic after donating :
Most people do not become anemic after donating. The body begins replenishing lost fluid within a day and Red Blood Cell (RBC) in 21 days.

What is the liquid in the bag into which the blood is taken :
It is called anti-coagulant and prevents the blood from clotting. It also helps to preserve the blood cells. It is known as CPDA (Citrate, Phosphate, Dextrose, Adenine) solution

What laboratory tests are performed in blood bank for each bag of collected blood :
** HIV (AIDS) test
** Jaundice (Hepatitis B & C)
** Venereal disease (STD)
** Malaria
** Blood Group
** Before issuing blood, compatibility tests (cross matching) are done.

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