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Jharkhand Commercial Tax : Online Complaint Redressal Service

Organization :Department of Commercial Taxes Jharkhand
Facility :Online Complaint Redressal Services

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Online Complaint Redressal Services :

Please read the notes marked as and then fill in the form below to open a new Complaint. :
** You must provide mobile number in the case if you choose category/subject as e_Registration and also to get sms alerts.

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Related : Department of Commercial Taxes Online Payment & View Status Jharkhand :

** You must include your acknowledgement number in the case if you choose category/subject as e_Registration.
** You must provide your TIN NO. in the case if you choose category/subject as e_Returns or e_Payments
** Fields marked as * are mandatory

Online Complaint Redressal Services :
In order to streamline support requests and better serve you, we utilize a support complaint system. Every support request is assigned a unique complaint number which you can use to track the progress and responses online. For your reference we provide complete archives and history of all your support requests. A valid email address is required.A valid mobile(without DND) is also required in order to get sms alerts to you.

Open A New Complaint :
Please provide as much detail as possible so we can best assist you. To update a previously submitted Complaint, please use the form to the right.

Please enter the following details to Register a New Complaint,
1. Enter Full Name
2. Enter Email Address
3. Enter Telephone
4. Enter STD Code

5. Enter Mobile – Please put mobile without DND (to get sms alerts)
6. Enter Present Address
7. Enter TIN NO
8. Enter Acknowledgement No
9. Select Department

10. Select Category/Subject
11. Enter Message/Issue
12. Select Priority
13. Upload Attachment – Format of files allowed for attachment are as – .doc,.pdf,.jpeg,.jpg,.xls,.docx,.xlsx,.zip,.xml,.ods,.csv,.rar,.txt
14. Enter Captcha Text

Check Complaint Status :
We provide archives and history of all your support requests complete with responses.

About Us :
Department of Commercial Taxes plays a very significant role in the internal resources mobilisation of the State Government of Jharkhand and accounts for almost 80% of the total internal resources. Soon after the creation of the new state of Jharkhand, the Department of Commercial Taxes was constituted in the State as the premier earner of state revenue.

Presently the Secretary-cum- Commissioner of Commercial Taxes is the Head of the Department. He is assisted by Additional Commissioner, Joint Commissioners, Deputy Commissioners, Assistant Commissioners, Under Secretaries and Commercial Taxes Officers at the Head Quarter level for smooth functioning of the Department.

At the field level the Departmental structure consist of 5 Divisions & 28 Circles headed by Joint Commissioner (Admin) and Deputy. Commissioner (I/c) respectively assisted by Assistant Commissioners and Commercial Tax Officers. Further 3 VAT-Audit wings and 5 Appealate offices headed by Joint Commissioner & 1 state level Tribunal headed by Chairman (Judicial member) is also functional.

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