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All posts from SMS Push/ Mobile Terminated : Department of Electronics & Information Technology

Organization :Department of Electronics and Information Technology
Facility : SMS Push/ Mobile Terminated

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SMS Push / Mobile Terminated :

SMS Push Service :
The SMS Push Service can be used by the Government departments and agencies to send SMS notifications or updates to citizens and businesses.

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For availing this service, the department / agency needs to have an account with Mobile Seva. This service is available only to government departments and agencies in the country.

Open account for SMS Push Service :
Government departments and agencies can register themselves for opening a Push SMS account by filling the registration form available at The details provided in the registration form are verified and only on approval, departments and agencies would be able to use this service.

Use Push SMS service :
Government departments and agencies whose account has been approved can use Push SMS service by logging on to the Mobile Seva services portal at They can also use this service programmatically through our APIs. Please refer technical articles and user manual under “Resources” on this Portal for more details

SMS Push / Mobile Terminated

Departments can use SMS Push / Mobile Terminated, to send the SMS notifications to the citizens. Following is the integration process.

Integration Step by Step
Step 1 : Account Creation :
The department needs to first create the account on the SMS Gateway. Following fields are required for account creation Please send these details to msdp(at)cdac(dot)in. We initially credit only 500 SMS. After signing the Agreement (Download) and Declaration form (Download), we provide the required number of credits.

Step 2 : How to access the Service :
These are the following two ways to use the SMS Gateway service.

Method One
: Log in to and send the sms manually.
The department’s user can login with the credentials which is provided when the account for the department is created. The user can then do the following on this portal.
** Send Single SMS
** Send Bulk SMS
** Send Bulk SMS using excel file
** See the delivery reports
** Create groups

Method Two :
Send SMS Programmatically
The department’s application can send SMSs using the HTTP interface of SMS Gateway provided by MSDG.

HTTP API Documentation
HTTP API lets departments send across SMS messages using HTTP URL interface. The API supports SMS push (Single SMS and Bulk SMS).

Terms and Definitions
Sender ID :
Sender ID or CLI (Caller Line Identification) is limited to 8 characters in the API. According to TRAI regulations, there will be a 2 character prefix when delivered to the phone. For example, if you are passing the Sender ID as “cdac_mum”, you will see the SMS delivered as AD-cdac_mum or TA-cdac_mum according to the route SMS Gateway chooses.

Message Length :
For standard character set, 160 characters per SMS is supported. If a message is sent whose length is longer than the permitted character limit, it will be broken into multiple messages. You can submit up to 480 characters in one API request.

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