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HPCL Public Grievance Redressal : Hindustan Petroleum Corporation

Organisation : Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited, India
Facility Name : Public Grievance Redressal
Applicable For : Public
Applicable State/UT : All India
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HPCL Public Grievance Redressal

Public Grievance: Department of Administrative reforms and Public Grievances, (DARPG), Govt of India, has issued the following clarification regarding what is considered a “Public Grievance”.

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“It is clarified that in the context of Public Grievances Public is a generic term used to indicate various types of Stakeholders, be they Ministries / Departments / Organizations providing service to or having interface with any other Ministry / Department / Organization or State Governments or a group of Individuals, Associations,Industrialists, Professionals, Non-Governmental Organizations or Members of the Public. Hence, grievances received from any of them would constitute Public Grievances”

How To Register Grievances?

HPCL has established a Public Grievance Redressal system wherein designated officers of the Corporation will be available every Friday between 4.00 PM to 5.00 PM at all major locations to hear & facilitate Redressal of Grievances of the Public, if any.

The public can contact the Public Grievance Redressal Officers at the Regional offices. Click on the links below to locate and contact / correspond with the Grievance Redressal Officer pertaining to your area.

Public Grievance Officer at Retail Regional offices :

Public Grievance Officer at LPG Regional offices :

Grievance Redressal Mechanism regarding Tenders and Contracts :

Public, who experience any difficulty in contacting the concerned Public Grievance Officers can also contact Ms. Aruna Bhise, Chief Manager – Public Grievances and RTI at the following telephone nos. during office hours:

Tel No’s : 022-22872533, 022- 22863328

Other General Provisions

1. A final written reply to the aggrieved party will be given by Coordinator of Grievance Redressal Cell / Executive Committee within 21 working days from the date of receipt of the grievance, in line with the minutes of respective GRC/ EC.

2. The Grievance Redressal Cell / Executive Committee, while firming up its recommendations, can seek the views of other relevant Departments like Finance, Vigilance and Legal or any other Department concerned with the issue.

3. The Grievance Redressal Cell & Executive Committee is entitled to give a personal hearing to the aggrieved party, if necessary.

4. If a Grievance is related to a contract already awarded and acted upon, and if the Grievance Cell & Executive Committee is of the view that the grievance needs review for remedial action for future tenders, it would submit its recommendation to the concerned SBU/Dept. head for future tenders.

5. Company’s Tender Grievance Redressal Mechanism will be displayed in its Website in the Tenders Page.

6. The Grievance Redressal Cell & Executive Committee will maintain a grievance register giving details of the tender number, date of receipt of grievance letter, nature of grievance in brief, details of the decisions taken and the date of communication to the aggrieved party.

7. The Grievance Redressal Cell & Executive Committee will also submit a quarterly report on the grievances handled to the Committee of Functional Directors. A copy of Yearly Report will be submitted to the Board for information.

8. The relevant clause of Grievance Redressal Mechanism Procedure should be incorporated in GTC of all Tender documents along with the name and address of the Officer-designate of the Grievance Redressal Cell/ Secretary of the concerned Executive Committee, to whom the grievance letter/ Appeal should be addressed to.


HPCL has provided a link to the Centralised Public Grievances Redress & Monitoring System (CPGRAMS), a web-enabled Grievance Redressal System of the Department of Administrative Reforms & Public Grievance (DARPG) to enable Public to submit their Grievance on the Portal. Grievances submitted on the CPGRAMS portal is forwarded by Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas (MOP&NG) to the Nodal officer for Public Grievances in HPCL for redressal.

Submit your Grievance on the CPGRAMS portal :

Public may submit their grievance online on CPGRAMS portal by clicking on the link above and providing the requisite details.

Please Note:
** Citizens can check the progress and receive reply through the CPGRAMS portal.
** Time limit for disposal of public grievances is normally within 30 days
** Provide a clear statement of grievances and nature of remedial action sought.
** Indicate the past references and the official channels previously approached for redressal.

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  2. महोदय
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    महोदय से निवेदन है कि प्रोविडेंट फंड का रुपया मेरे किस खाते में ट्रांसफर किया गया है कृपया अवगत कराने का कष्ट करें!


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