FCI CPF Self Service Portal Registration : Food Corporation of India
Organisation : Food Corporation of India
Facility Name : CPF Self Service Portal Registration
Applicable State/UT : All Over India
Website : https://fci.gov.in/
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How To Do CPF Self Service Portal Registration?
Follow the below steps for CPF Self Service Portal Registration.
1. Open the URL of CPF Self Service Portal fcilekha [dot] in. Login page will get display.
2. Click on the link Create your Account link for the registration of employee.Now registration form will get open.
3. Enter the Employee Number and Press Get details. Employee details will get display.
4. Enter the Email Address and Mobile Number. (Note –Mobile Number should be Unique and should not be registered with Other employee.)
5. Press Send OTP button. An OTP will be send to your Mobile Number.
6. OTP screen will be appeared. Enter the OTP in the screen and submit.
7. Now Enter the Create Password and Repeat Password.
8. Press Create Account Button. Your Registration Process will get completed.
How To Login Into CPF Self Service Portal?
To Login Into CPF Self Service Portal, Follow the below steps
1. Go to the link fcilekha [dot] in
2. Enter the Employee Number
3. Enter the Password
4. Click on Login button
How To Retrieve CPF Self Service Portal Password?
To Retrieve CPF Self Service Portal Password, Follow the below steps
1.Open the URL of CPF Self Service Portal fcilekha [dot] in page will get display.
2. Click on Forget Password Link. Forget Password window will get open.
3. Enter the Employee Number and press Send OTP button. OTP will be sent to your registered Mobile number.
4. Enter the OTP and press Verify button.
5. Now enter the new Password and confirm Password and Press Update Button.
6. Password will get updated and redirect to Login Page.
How To Change CPF Self Service Portal Password?
To Change CPF Self Service Portal Password, Follow the below steps
1. Open the URL of CPF Self Service Portal – fcilekha [dot] in. Login page will get display
2. Enter the Employee Number and Password. Home Page will display.
3. Here you can see your details with Employer and Employee contribution details.
4. Click on the Change Password. Page will get open to change password.
5. Now enter the new Password and confirm Password and Press Update Button.
6. Password will get updated.
Claim Raise Process
1.Click on Claim Raise Request in Claim Services menu.
2.Claim Request form will get display.
3.Select the Radio Button for Claim applied for options.
4.Select the purpose of Claim.
5.Enter the Amount.
6.Select both the checkbox and press Submit button. Claim request will be raised.
7.Now you can track the Request status in option in Claim Service Menu.
8.This Claim will go to Admin for the approval.
Approval From Admin
1.Login using Admin credentials in CPF Self Service Portal.
2.Click on Claim Services –Pending Requests. You will get the list of claims.
3.Here You can view and Take actions on these claim. Click on take Action button.
4.Here Admin can take different actions like Approve, Reject and Assigned to other Admin.
5.After Approval, this claim will go in the bucket of CPF admin for the same parent Zone according same as Employee.
Approval From CPF Admin
1.Login using CPF Admin credentials in CPF Self Service Portal.
2.Click on Claim Services –Pending Requests. You will get the list of claims.
3.Here CPF Admin can take different actions like Approve, Reject and Assigned to other CPF Admin within same Parent Zone.
4.In Case CPF Admin reassign the Claim Request to other CPF Admin in same parent Zone, this claim will be reflecting in the Claim Services My Pending Requests in the Login of assigned parent Zone.
5.After Approval, this claim will to the payroll for CPF Sanction.
6.In Payroll, authorized user can sanction the raised CPF claim.
7.After Sanction and Release payment in Payroll, Status of the Claim Status will be display as Complete in CPF Self Service Portal.
FAQ On FCI CPF Self Service Portal Registration
Sure, here are some FAQ on FCI CPF Self Service Portal Registration:
What is the FCI CPF Self Service Portal?
The FCI CPF Self Service Portal is an online portal that allows employees of the Food Corporation of India (FCI) to access their CPF account information and services.
What are the benefits of registering on the FCI CPF Self Service Portal?
There are a number of benefits to registering on the FCI CPF Self Service Portal, including:
** You can access your CPF account information online at any time.
** You can view your CPF balance and transactions.
** You can apply for CPF loans and withdrawals.
** You can update your CPF account details.
How do change my register mobile number
I lossed my registered mobile. How can i update my new mobile number i CPF Self Service Portal.
how to change in mobile number in CPF SELF USER