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AGAP : GPF Annual Account Statement Slip Andra Pradesh

Organisation : Accountant General Andhra Pradesh
Facility : GPF Annual Account Statement Slip
GPF Slip here:

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How To Download AGAP GPF Annual Account Slip Online?

Now you can view your AGAP GPF Annual Account Statement/ Slip online. Just follow the simple steps mentioned below to download the AGAP GPF Annual Account Slip Online

Related / Similar Facility : AGAP Pension Case Status Andra Pradesh

Step-1: Select GPF Annual Account Statement for year
Step-2:Select Department Series
Step-3: Enter GPF.A/C No
Step-4: Enter Mobile No (Enter 10 digit mobile no)
Step-5:Then click on go button to Download GPF Annual Account Slip Online.

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SMS Facility For GPF Subscribers/Pensioners

Highlights of the AGAP GPF facility :
** Monthly alerts on GPF subscriptions, withdrawals, missing credits etc
** Information about annual GPF slips dispatch
** GPF Final withdrawal application status (received/ finalized/ returned etc)
** Pension application status (received/ finalized/ returned etc)

Who can avail the AGAP GPFfacility :
** Government employees whose GPF accounts are being maintained by PAG office (except class-IV employees, ZP teachers etc)
** Pensioners whose pension cases are being finalized by AG

Dial 040-23231212 to access the IVRS facility

Procedure to register the mobile number :
GPF subscribers :
** Provide the GPF number allotted by AG
** When prompted, Dial ‘0’ to register the mobile number
** Enter the mobile number
** System will spell the number entered.
** Confirm the correctness of the mobile number when prompted by the system.
** System prompts the acceptance of the mobile number.

Pensioners :
** Dial IVRS number provided by AG office.
** When prompted, Dial ‘4’ to register the mobile number
** Enter the mobile number
** System will spell the number entered.
** Confirm the correctness of the mobile number when prompted by the system.
System prompts the acceptance of the mobile number. Through web site

GPF subscribers :
** Go to
** Enter the Series and Account No and press ‘Go’ Button
** Enter the ‘Employee ID’ allotted by Treasury, Date of Birth, Mobile number, e-mail ID etc and press the ‘update’ button.

** DDO’s must furnish their employee ID & Mobile Numbers while forwarding Pension/GPFF.W. proposals and ensure that employee ID and Mobile Number of the Pensioner are also furnished.

Contact Us :
Office of The Principal Accountant General (A&E)
Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad

FAQ On AGAP Pension

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on AGAP Pension

How can a pensioner ensure that his pension papers were received in AG Office?
As soon as a pension proposal is received in this office an acknowledgment with IVRS number will be sent to the pensioner. If the pensioner has provided his mobile number in his pension application, status of the case will be updated to him periodically.

What are the references pensioner need to furnish while communicating with AG Office?
Either the IVRS number communicated by this office, or file number of this office which will be in alpha numeric such as A- 123/2015-04. If the correspondence is regarding already authorized pension, PPO number may be furnished.

Is it necessary to give the mobile number of the pensioner in the application?
Though it is not mandatory, providing of mobile number will help this office to inform the pensioner the deficiency if any in the application.

What is the time taken in AG office for authorizing a pension case?
Pensionary benefits are authorized within two months from the date of receipt of the proposal in complete shape in this office. This is as per the provisions of Citizen Charter.

Is there any priority to authorise Family Pension or Original Service Pension cases?
Yes. We have resolved to authorise fresh cases (Both Service Pension & Family Pension) within 30 working days. This time limit is applicable where the pension proposal is complete in shape.

How can a pensioner obtain a copy of his intimation regarding autorisation?
As soon as his/her pension is authorized by this office, a copy of the intimation will be sent to the pensioner through Speed Post. However if pensioner desires, he can download his copy from the website

Is pensioner’s copy mandatory to take payment from Treasury?
No.The Govt of AP has issued instructions to all the pension disbursing authorities vide circular No:7614-A/127/PSC/89, Fin.&Ping. FW(PSC) dated 20.12.1989 for not insisting production of party copy. Treasury authorities should make payment by verifying Descriptive Rolls.

What is the procedure to transfer PPO from one district to another within the State?
The pensioner has to approach the pension disbursing authority with an application for transfer. The disbursing authority shall forward the PPO to the new disbursing authority and intimate the fact to AG for allotting New PPO Number.

What is the procedure for transferring the PPO to other State?
The pensioner has to approach disbursing authority with an application for transfer. The disbursing authority shall forward the PPO to the office of AG (A&E). AG office shall forward the PPO to the AG office of the State concerned where the pensioner has opted to draw the pension.

Some Important Information From Comments

Error / Problem:
1. I am unable to download GPF annual statement for the FY 2020-21. Site is not working properly. Please rectify as early as possible. I need to download my slip. Previously site has worked in good condition.

2. I am subscriber of GPF Account Number 7727/Coop. The GPF current status page is not available in website. Please restore it. I want to see, how much balance is available in my GPF Account Number 7727/Coop as on date.

Functions of AGAP

The Accountant General (AG) of Andhra Pradesh is an important officer of the Indian Audit and Accounts Department. The primary function of the AG’s office is to audit and report on the accounts of the state government.

Some of the specific functions of the AGAP are:
** Conducting audits of the accounts of the government departments and local bodies.
** Providing financial advice and support to the state government.
** Providing assistance to the Public Accounts Committee and the Committee on Public Undertakings.
** Conducting performance audits of various government schemes and programs.
** Ensuring that government expenditure is in compliance with the relevant laws, rules, and regulations.
** Monitoring the implementation of various central government schemes in the state.

Add a Comment
  1. Y Raviendra, Watchman,Social Welfare Dep. GPF Class Iv Annual Statement not download for the financial 2022-23 plz put gpf annual statement

  2. Put gpf slip for 2021_2022 my gpf no.78672


    AP GPF slip 2022 when it upto date I WANT GPF PART FINAL applying.

  4. Ramanna L/EEE

    my gpf slip is not shown vide no 90046 EDN pl resyre

  5. Andhra pradesh state gpf slips download facility is not available. Pl. restore.

  6. Palagadda Bhagyarao

    My Mobile number change Please enter your records
    GPF No. 236341-wel

  7. A.V.Hanumantha Rao GPF A/C No.7727/Coop

    Good evening Sir, I am subscriber of GPF Account No.7727/Coop. The GPF current status page is not available in website. Pl restore it. I want to see the how much balance is available in my GPF Account No.7727/Coop as on date.

  8. my account slip not opened the financial year 2021-2022

  9. Respected sir I want to download my gpf previous slips website not opened

  10. Respected sir, I am unable to download GPF annual statement for the FY 2020-21. Site is not working properly. please rectify as early as possible. I need to download my slip. previously site has worked in good condition.




    Pension Papers have been forwarded by the Principal Kakatiya MedicalCollege, Warangal vide Letter Rc.No.E3/349/2017 Dated 06/07/2017 to the Senior Account Officer, O/o Accountant General, AP & TS Hyderabad.



  13. Dr. M.Vijayakumar

    May I know when can I download the gpf slip for the financial year 2014-15?

  14. Put Gpf slips for the year 2014

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