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Organization : Central Board of Excise & Customs Department
Facility :Assessee Code Based Search

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CBEC Assessee Code Details

This facility enables the Assessee view its details (name, address, location code) as present in the Assessee Master provided by CBEC.

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Related : Central Board of Excise & Customs Check status for Challan Identification Number :

Details of Assessee codes allotted for Service Tax and Central Excise (i.e. Registration Number or Non-Assessee Code) can be viewed using this facility.
** Enter Assessee Code
**Enter text as in given image

About Us :
The Central Board of Excise and Customs Department (CBEC), Principal Chief Controller of Accounts, CBEC, Controller General of Accounts and the Reserve Bank of India with the participation of 27 Commercial Banks introduced the Electronic Accounting System in Excise and Service Tax (EASIEST) in April 2007 with the GAR-7challan.

Data uploaded by Banks :
CBEC has devised the file formats for uploading data regarding tax payment. Banks are expected to generate and upload tax data as per these formats. Once the file has been prepared as per the file format, it can be verified for correctness of its structure using the File Validation Utility (FVU) provided by NSDL.

Challan Status Inquiry :
Assessees can track online the status of their challans deposited in Banks. The status can be tracked on the basis of the Challan Identification Number (CIN) which is stamped on the challan counterfoil by the Bank. CIN consist of seven-digit BSR code of Collecting Bank Branch, Date of Tender (ddmmyyyy format) and Challan Serial Number (five digits).

Assessee Code Based Search :
This facility enables the Assessee view its details (name, address, location code) as present in the Assessee Master provided by CBEC. Details of Assessee codes allotted for Service Tax and Central Excise (i.e. Registration Number or Non-Assessee Code) can be viewed using this facility.

FAQ On CBEC Challan

Which challans are to be used for payment of Excise and Service Tax?
Two new challan forms GAR-7 have been introduced by PR. CCA’s office. From April 7, 2007, GAR-7 – Proforma for Central Excise Tax Payments is to be used for payment of Excise and GAR-7 – Proforma for Service Tax Payments is to be used for payment of Service Tax. These are single copy challans.

Where can one obtain these Challans?
Soft copies of these challans are available at NSDL and Central Board of Excise and Customs website. Challans are also available with private vendors.

Can I pay tax using the old Challan?
From 1st April, 2007 it is mandatory to use challan no GAR-7 for payment of Excise and Service Tax.

How will the acknowledgement stamp bearing the CIN look like?
The Acknowledgement stamp of the Bank will contain the following information :
** Bank Branch Name
** BSR (7 digit)
** Deposit Date (DDMMYY)
** Serial No.

What should I do if I have misplaced my acknowledgement counterfoil?
Kindly approach the Bank where you have deposited the tax and request them to issue you a certificate which contains your payment particulars including CIN.

What would happen if I loose the paper token issued by the Bank?
Each Bank follows its own procedure so you may contact the Branch manager of the Bank.

Benefits of Having An Assessee Code

There are many benefits of having an Assessee Code, including:
** It makes it easier to file returns and pay taxes.
** It helps to prevent fraud and errors.
** It makes it easier to apply for refunds.
** It can help to improve your credit score.

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