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NDMC e-Payment of Property Tax Bill : New Delhi Municipal Council

Organization : New Delhi Municipal Council
Facility : e-Payment of Property Tax Bill

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How To Do NDMC e-Payment of Property Tax Bill?

To pay NDMC Property Tax Bill online, follow the below steps

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For NDMC Officials :
Please Enter Valid Username and Password provided to you

For Citizen :
** Username : Please Enter Your Property ID
** Password : Please Enter Your DCR Number for NDMC Property Tax Bill e-Payment

Note :
More than 5 failed login attempts will lock your account for 1 day.

FAQ On NDMC Property Tax

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) On NDMC Property Tax

1. Who has to pay the Property Tax?
The Property Tax mainly charge as per Section 66 of the NDMC Act as follows :
(a) if the land or building is let, upon the lessor;
(b) if the land or building is sub-let, upon the superior lessor;
(c) if the land or building is un-let , upon the person in whom the right to let the same vests:
(d) owner/owners – joint & several.
(e) on failure from above, from the occupier of such land or building by attachment of rent U/S 108.

2. What was the procedure of Assessment before 2009?
On the basis of one of the following, as applicable :
(i) on capital cost basis
(ii) on actual rent basis.
(iii) on comparable rent basis.

3. What is the procedure of Assessment after 2009 i.e. on coming into force of Unit Area Method/Rent Bye Laws 2009?
On the basis of one of the following, as applicable :
(i) Special category of land and buildings i.e. union properties, state or used as school, college, hospital, guest house, clubs, cinema hall, hotels and such other lands and buildings as may be specified by valuation committee. (As per Bye Law 3)

Cost of land as per circle rates X Total Land in sq. meter X Age Factor. Cost of Construction: @15000/ per sq. metre X Covered Area X Age Factor.
(ii) Under Unit Area Method (as per Bye Law 4) other than above properties.
(a) Unit rate X Total Land

(b) Unit rate X covered area X Use Factor x Occupancy Factor X AF (Age Factor Annual Value A + B
(iii) UAM/Actual Rent whichever is higher. The copy of the Property Tax Return form is enclosed.

4. What is the procedure to be followed for issuing the Property Tax Bills every year?
After preparing an Assessment list, a Public Notice is issued calling for objections as per section 70 of the NDMC Act. After removal of objections, an assessment list is finalized and authenticated. The same is placed before the tax payers for their information.

5. What is DCR number?
DCR is Demand Collection Register number.

6. What is DCR? Where is it written? I can’t login for online property tax payment.
** DCR is Demand and Collection Registration Number.
** You can visit this website to login

About NDMC

Delhi Set-up had recommended that a fresh law governing NDMC should be passed by the Parliament for proper organization and functioning of the New Delhi Municipal Council. Consequent upon enforcement of Constitution (Seventy Fourth Amendment) Act, several provisions in Punjab Municipal Act, 1911 had to be brought in tune with Part IXA of the Constitution before 31st May, 1994.

Furthermore, there were several major differences between various functional regimes prescribed under the old law governing NDMC in comparison to the Delhi Municipal Corporation Act, 1957.

Contact NDMC

Contact Address
New Delhi Municipal Council NDMC
Palika Kendra
Parliament Street, New Delhi-110001

Disclaimer :
Although due care has been taken to ensure that the data recorded in the manual records of the Tax Department is uploaded on the Property Tax Information System (PTIS), in case of any discrepancy, the data as recorded in the manual record shall prevail.

The Tax Payers are requested to bring the discrepancies, if any, to the notice of Sr AO(Tax), so that necessary corrections can be made in the PTIS.

Some Important Information From Comments

1. So many people are asking for DCR number for 5 months & no body wants to clarify. Are you deliberately not replying (or) you also don’t know where to find DCR number. What is the problem, you want some bribe for DCR number also (or) you want to make sure that nobody can pay property tax. No one picks up the phone. What is going on in Delhi MCD? I want to pay my Property tax & you don’t let me pay it.

Error / Problem:
1. The first site was having problems 2 years ago. Now resolved. But, the second site is still under confusion for public. In the user ID, if after the alphabet one dash is to be mentioned or not. DCR is Demand Collection Receipt. At one place D&C Number. I found in the Property Tax payment hard copy. In that one stroke is there and one gap is there. I have tried all alternatives. But unable to login. I think online payment and getting on line receipts are not made possible because, NDMC may desire a person should visit the office personally for obvious reasons

2. Third class design is proposed and approved for NDMC property filing. No one knows anything about DRC and they are considering it to be used as a password (Atleast it should be clearly specified as to the steps required to retrieve it). Really it is a show by NDMC here-in.

3. Such a stupid website. No clue given for DCR number. How the hell are we supposed to pay house tax? Disgusting whoever created this website!

Benefits of NDMC Property Tax Bill e-Payment

There are several benefits of NDMC (New Delhi Municipal Council) property tax bill e-payment, including:

NDMC property tax bill e-payment allows property owners to pay their property tax bill from the comfort of their homes or offices without the need to visit the NDMC office in person.

The e-payment option saves a lot of time as the property owners can pay their taxes online in just a few minutes without waiting in long queues.

The NDMC property tax bill e-payment gateway is secured with advanced encryption technology that protects the personal and financial information of property owners.

Add a Comment
  1. on what grounds you are asking us to pay the property tax. we dont get any dcr number and it is no where to found. stop making things complicated without any reason. PLEASE FIX IT FOR GOD SAKE…

  2. can someone please suggest me, how can i download property tax receipts for old financial years, i.e 2004-2020?
    Can they be found online?

  3. DCR is demand collection register number but even ndmc people do not know how to find it, they will reply once they have found the solution

  4. how could know that from where we know the DCR number?

  5. This is very complicated. I could not find DVR anyway. The MCD has given Punishment to senior citizens to runaround and search for DVR. I had been depositing Property tax easily since about 20 years but now God knows where India is heading in new era. Govt should put back to old system to make Indian citizens peaceful.

  6. even I am stuck in DCR No. earlier there was no problem as this was not required. but now you cannot even login without DCR

  7. What is the Delhi CM doing now? Is he not interested in collecting Property Tax. Thousands of people have asked about DCR? We we do not need expanstion? Where to find it?
    Think about how other states in India are doing simple to use and simple for citizen.


      Hello All,
      After struggling with the DCR number issue, I have found the solution to book
      1) Go to mcdonline [dot] nic [dot] in
      2) Select NDMC / SDMC / EDMC as per your property location
      3) It will take you to the respective website
      4) Register on the website using your mobile number
      5) Log in using OTP
      6) Add property details (you will have all details in the sale deed/registration doc / Previous year property tax receipts etc.)
      7) select the payment gateway you want to use and make the payment


  10. frustrated citizen

    Saalo ullu ke pattho DCR number kahaan se paida karu

    1. citizen once in 5 years

      These guys are idiots, they tell you what DCR stands for, but not where it is to be found, not on previous receipts…as usual, govt makes it difficult for honest folks to pay taxes. if you don’t pay house tax for 1-20 years, just wait for the frequent amesty scheme, which waives all penalties and interest, and you can pay depreciated past tax with ease.
      no body of course reads these comments either

  11. Such a stupid website. No clue given for DCR number. how the hell are we supposed to pay house tax. Disgusting whoever created this website!

  12. Re- stuck with DCR. Dear friends follow anonymous suggestion & log in with OTP. It works. Site should be more consumer friendly.

  13. DCR number is a mysterious !! How to find that !!

    1. Hello All,
      After struggling with the DCR number issue, I have found the solution to book
      1) Go to mcdonline [dot] nic [dot] in
      2) Select NDMC / SDMC / EDMC as per your property location
      3) It will take you to the respective website
      4) Register on the website using your mobile number
      5) Log in using OTP
      6) Add property details (you will have all details in the sale deed/registration doc / Previous year property tax receipts etc.)
      7) select the payment gateway you want to use and make the payment

    2. Thanks, it worked

  14. Who so ever designed and approved this process and DCR FAQs was smoking Charas or ganjaa while doing it. Shows poor state of affairs in government machinery.

    Can anyone tell where to find this DCR??

  15. How to find DCR number, kindly advise?

  16. please explain dcr no,

  17. where i can find DCR NUMBER , Property ID i have but no clue of DCR no .
    MCD must have clear about this

  18. Pathetic website. No where it is mentioned how to get the DCR number. The ease of filling the tax is just in words or on paper but not practically.

  19. Shame on you, mcd…wat a pathetic site have u made. No where it has been mentioned where n how to find DCR.Just telling us the full form like idiots.

  20. Roshy
    Why is it that instead of being user friendly, this property tax portal is so complicated?
    DCR number is no where mentioned on previous property tax receipts, how can we get to know of it.
    Please clarify.

  21. Submission of House Tax is not simplified yet.
    It is very tuff to an individual to submit his House Tax dues himself.
    and also pressrised to take help of CSC’s.

  22. mcdonline[dot]nic[dot]in is a separate website and ndmc[dot]nic[dot]in is a separate website

    The first site was having problems 2 years ago. Now resolved.

    But the second site is still under confusion for public. In the user ID if after the alphabet one dash is to be mentioned or not… DCR is Demand Collection Receipt. At one place D&C No. I found in the Property Tax payment hard copy. In that one stroke is there and one gap is there. I have tried all alternatives. But unable to login.

    I think .. on line payment and getting on line receipts are not made possible because NDMC may desire a person should visit the office personally for obvious reasons

  23. NDMC is going ahead by 3 steps and going back by 6 steps day by day

  24. You ridiculous people.. At least respond how to find DCR number.. If property tax is not paid you idiots will be the first one to collect the fine n late fees. Is that you purposely don’t want us to pay the property tax.

  25. Colonel RS Gulati

    So many people are asking for DCR no for 5 months & no body wants to clarify. Are you deliberately not replying or you also don’t know where to find DCR number. What is the problem, you want some bribe for DCR no. also.Or you want to make sure that nobody can pay property one picks up the phone. What is going on in Delhi MCD.I want to pay my Property tax & you don’t let me pay it.

  26. no need to use DCR number. Go to link below and use your registerd mobile number and OTP to login

    1. but if I pay others as professionals,then….

    2. where is the link


  28. Is anyone even monitoring this channel? This is so weird. It just says what is the full form of DCR, but nothing on where to find it. No way to reach NDMC either. If anyone finds it, please let us know. Thanks



  31. How to find DCR NO as unable to login to portal to pay online property tax.

    1. how to get DCR number

  32. Where can i find DCR number?

  33. How to get DCR number?

  34. Ranjana (d/o Mrs. Krishna Ahuja)

    Kindly confirm where the DCR number is specified as it has not been defined in the last property tax receipt. Due to this I am unable to file the property tax.

    1. Hello All,
      After struggling with the DCR number issue, I have found the solution to book
      1) Go to mcdonline [dot] nic [dot] in
      2) Select NDMC / SDMC / EDMC as per your property location
      3) It will take you to respective website
      4) Register on the website using your mobile number
      5) Log in using OTP
      6) Add property details (you will have all details in the sale deed/registration doc / Previous year property tax receipts etc.)
      7) select the payment gateway you want to use and make the payment
      8) next year onwards it is very simple

      Hope this helps you all


  35. Nhi Btata Krlo Jo Krna Hai

    They have knowingly added DCR Number I dont know what is the need when you have given OTP & UPI number

  36. Any clue for DCR number?

    1. Did you figure out a way to get the DCR number? As far as I am aware, only the UPIC number was required while filing taxes in 2021

  37. I am not able to find DCR NO Which is not mentioned in any documents & also not able to find online as well. Consequently, It has become very difficult to pay property tax on line. Matter be simplified.

  38. I am unable to find DCR number on any of the previous documents and no even a single site of NDMC provides any info on it. You are just fooling people around.

  39. Please tell my DCR number. How can I get the same? so that I can fill my property tax online.

  40. DCR number is not mentioned in last year’s receipt and they plan to use it as password that is why government should outsource these to some private player who have a little more brain than these guys.

  41. is not working. Please inform how I can get my DCR number/ Demand Collection Register number.

  42. Third class design is proposed and approved for NDMC property filing. No one knows anything about DRC and they are considering it to be used as a password. (Atleast it should be clearly specified as to the steps required to retrieve it)
    Really it is a show by NDMC here-in.

  43. How can I get DCR number? I want to pay NDMC Property tax online.

  44. Where is East Delhi Municipal Office located? Please let me know.

  45. Where can I find DCR Number? Please let me know.

  46. What is DCR No. for paying property Tax?

  47. How can I know DCR number on earlier receipts?

  48. Where do I get my DCR Number?

  49. Harendra Singh Rathor

    Can you make your site user friendly? What is DCR no? What is the need for DCR when you have generated UPIC?


    Please send us our DCR number and Property ID number so that we could deposit Property tax. What is DCR number?


  52. What is DCR No & where it is mentioned?

  53. My property is Flat No.219, Naurang House, K G Marg, New Delhi 110001. How do I access my Property Bill and make payment online?


  55. Every year my house tax amount is 1160/- already paid. Balance arrears 9280 + 1160 (2015-2016)= 10477/- on 27/09/2015. Now I have been demanded 28017/- additional y for what reason?

  56. Please describe what is the DCR because I wish to fill up the house tax.

  57. Please let me know the full form of “DCR No.” required for logging into NDMC Property Tax Account online

  58. Please let me know the full form of “DCR No.” required for logging into your Property Tax Account online.

    1. Full form probably is Demand Collection Register number.
      Please do not ask where we can find it. Its easy to find water on mars than this 😀

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