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How to apply for Angler’s Fishing License Himachal Pradesh?

Organisation : e-Services Government of Himachal Pradesh
Facility : Application for Angler’s Fishing License

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Angler’s Fishing license :

The individual may apply for a non-transferable license citing the date for fishing for a specified period.

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Related : How to apply for Marriage Certificate Himachal Pradesh :

Pursuance to a recommendation made by Fisheries Development Advisor to Government of India, the Fisheries Department in Himachal Pradesh was created during August 1950 as a wing of Forest Department headed by Deputy Warden of Fisheries. One of the main activities envisaged for the department was issuing license for fishing.

Competent Authority to issue Fishing License :
The competent authority to issue the fishing license is Senior Fishery Officer/Assistant Director/Deputy Director.

Application/Declaration :
The applicant, who wants to obtain the Fishing License, shall apply to the Fishery Officer using the prescribed Forms available on the eServices Portal under Application for Issue of Fishing License.

Verification of application/ declaration :
The applicant shall submit the application Form duly filled-in and verified. He shall state true facts in the application.

Penalties :
The breach of any rule made under section 3 of H.P. Fisheries Act 1976or for any prohibition notified under section 4 shall be punishable :-
** on first conviction with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to three months, or with fine which may extend to five hundred rupees, or with both; and
** on every subsequent conviction with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to six months, or with fine which may extend to one thousand rupees, or with both.

Power to Compound Certain Offenses :
The State Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, empower a fishery officer by name or by virtue of office :-
** to accept from any person concerning whom evidence exists, which if unreported, would prove that he has committed any fishing offense as described in the first column of the schedule, a sum of money by way of compensation for the offense with regard to which such evidence exists and on the payment of such sum to such officer, such person, if in custody, shall be released and no further proceedings shall be taken against him;
** to release any property that has been sized as liable to consideration without further payment or on payment of the value thereof as estimated by such officer and no the payment of such value such property shall be released and no further proceedings shall be taken in respect thereof.

Maximum Amount Acceptable As Compensation for Certain Fishing Offenses Under :
Sr.No. Description Maximum acceptable compensation. (Rs.) :
1 Fishing with a new net having a smaller mesh than that prescribed under the rules made under the Act. Rupees five hundred
2 Fishing without a license Rupees three hundred
3 Killing or catching or selling or attempt to kill, catch or sell fish of a size or weight less than the standard prescribed under this Act. Rupees three hundred
4 Killing or catching or selling or attempt to kill, catch or sell any fish of a prohibited species during a close season. Rupees three hundred
5 Fishing or attempting to fish with any gear or method other than permitted under the rele. Rupees three hundred
6 Using at any one time more than two or either any of the gears permitted under the rules. Rupees three hundred
7 License holders employing or engaging non-licensees to help them with their nets, while fishing. Rupees three hundred
8 Fishing or attempting to fish in prohibited water. Rupees three hundred
9 Offering or exposing for sale or barter any fish, the sale of which is prohibited in any specified area by a notification issued under section 4 of the Act. Rupees three hundred

Eligibility criterion :
The fishing license is issued under the following conditions :
** The destruction or attempting to destroy fish by gun, spear, bow and arrow and like instruments or pollution of waters by trade affluent or by use of ‘PHAI’ ‘JHATKA’ or any other method not defined in the rules is prohibited.
** The license holder shall not engage or employ any person to help him with his fishing gear unless the person so employed is also a license holder.
** The license holder in river and streams within 100 meters from any bridge shall use no fishing gear except rod and line.
** Every license holder shall be bound to show his license to any person empowered under section 8 of H.P. Fisheries Act, 1976.
** The license is not transferable.
** The license holder is bound to report the Deputy Commissioners or any other Fisheries Officer or Police Office of any breach of rules that come to his notice.
** Fishing is not permitted in any water closed to fishing by any rule notified under section 3 (1) of the H.P. Fisheries Act 1976 and described as closed to fishing shown in schedule.
** No person shall catch any trout during the period from 1st November to last day of February each year. The license holder shall catch not more than six trout in a day.
** The holder of a trout-fishing license shall fill in a Performa and return to the Director of Fisheries on the expiry of the license.

Supporting documents :
No supporting document is required.

Application Fee :
Applicant should make the payment for the applicable fees based on the type of fish, days of fishing in the District Office/ Field Office.

How to apply :
** Open the eServices Portal on the following URL
** Login to the Portal with registered user id. Register yourself in case of first time usage.
** Select Fisheries Department.
** List of all services under the department will be displayed.
** Select Application for Fishing License and click on the Action link, which will navigate to Action Page.
** The Action Page contains the links to different methods for accessing & submitting the Application : (a) Submit Online, (b) Print Form, (c) Download Form and (d) Upload form

Submit Online
The application can be submitted in an online mode by choosing this option. User should fill necessary information on the application form and submit for processing. Details on what to fill in each field are provided to assist the user in filling the application. This can be accessed from the Help link displayed on the Menu bar.

Print Form :
A printable version (PDF) of the Application form can be downloaded using this option. This serves as the template of the form which can be printed and submitted manually if required at the department. The downloaded PDF file can be opened with Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Download Form :
An offline version of the Application form can be downloaded using this link. The downloaded form can be filled with the help of an Offline client, without a need for Internet connection. The offline form is secured and can be used only with the Offline client provided on eServices portal. Offline client can be downloaded from the portal from Downloads section.

Upload Form :
The offline version of the application form downloaded and filled through the offline client can be uploaded & submitted for processing using this option. Once uploaded, the attachments required for the service will need to be uploaded. The portal will accept only a valid file that was filled using the Offline Client.

Note : You are advised to submit forms online for faster processing of the application.

Steps involved :
Step 1. :
The applicant shall submit the application in prescribed format, along with necessary supporting documents, using one of the available methods and makes an online payment, for the applicable fee based on type of fish and days of fishing.

Step 2 :
The application will be routed to the respective Assistant Director/Deputy Director for kullu /Senior Fisheries Officer (SFO) for Hamirpur&Sirmour districts.

Step 3 :
The Assistant Director/Deputy Director/Senior Fisheries Officer, who receives the Application for Angler’s Fishing licenseshall validate the application form and supporting document.
** If the applicant’s details are insufficient, the application will be rejected citing the reason.
** Else, application acceptance acknowledgement is sent to the citizen and further processing is done.

Step 4. :
If satisfied with the report, The Assistant Director/Deputy Director/Senior Fisheries Officergenerates a Fishing License digitally on the eForms application, takes a print of it and signs it.

Step 5 :
.Then Assistant Director/Deputy Director/Senior Fisheries Officerscans the signed copy and uploads the Fishing License to eForms application and marks the Application status as completed.

Step 6. :
The applicant will be notified about the completion status along with the Product ID of the Online Certificate, which can be downloaded from eProduct module of the Portal.

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