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IGR Odisha Online Marriage Application :

Organisation : Odisha Inspector General of Registration (IGR), Revenue & Disaster Management Department
Facility Name : Online Marriage Application
Applicable State/UT : Odisha
Website :

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How To Apply For Marriage Registration in Odisha?

1. IGR Website Home Page: This is the starting page for applying a marriage application online by a Citizen; he/she can register here for any online services under IGR. Once registered as a user, he/she can then login into the dashboard for all online services including Marriage registration.

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2. The Login screen as shown below where an existing user can login using his password and captcha.

3. Dashboard of citizen for availing various services under IGR web portal. For online marriage Registration, please click on the “Apply New Application” under marriage Registration Box or from the left side menu “Marriage”.

4. Select type of Marriage under “Special Marriage Act 1954”: Solemnization of Marriage u/s 5 or Registration of marriage u/s 15.

5. Select the Admissibility conditions for the selected marriage. All the conditions must be selected to proceed. There are two parties to the marriage. In case of Solemnization of marriage u/s 5 there are Bridegroom and Bride, in case of Registration of marriage u/s 15, Husband and wife. In both cases there are some admissibility conditions which must be read by the parties and if they are satisfied then select them and can proceed.

6. Enter all details of parties to the marriage i.e. details of bridegroom and Bride, their addresses and documents as proof of Identification, address and date of birth in the screen.

** To be entered: Name of bride and bridegrooms, their fathers name, occupation and date of Birth etc.
** To be entered: Present and Permanent Address Details and length of residence, Registration office and presenter name.
**  To be entered: Attachment of Document Details and contact number and email id

7. Application Fees and other charges

8. Online Payment at the Payment Gateway. Here Govt. Treasury is the online payment gateway. Payment options at the Payment gateway. Select your Card or Net banking or other options from the payment options available. After Successful payment it will show you a summary of successful payment for some moments before returning back to the IGR portal for printing of the receipt of fee paid.

9. The Receipt of the Fees payment which the citizen can take print out for future references. Process in the Registration Office: Once the online application is made by the citizen, it is processed by the dealing assistant of the concerned Registration office.

10. Head clerk Verification of Online Marriage applications

11. Processing by DSR (Marriage Officer): After the application is verified by head clerk it is forwarded to marriage officer for acceptance of the application of marriage for registration processing.

12. Notice of marriage: After marriage officer accepts the application for Registration, the same is published in the notice board of the office and marriage notice book is recorded.

13. Once the notice is published it is also sown in the operator’s dashboard. Dashboard of operator for various Operations under marriage Registration Notice period

14. Citizen can check his status of the application by logging into his Dashboard and click on the ”view application Status” link as sown below. Now the application is under notice period of 30 days , after 30 days only the marriage is processed for Registration. if during the notice period any objection is madeby any person affected by the marriage then the marriage can not be processed for Registration till the objection is heared and rejected.

15. After 30 days of notice period if there is no successful objection then marriage registration can be processed by paying the remaining fees for registration and certified copy.

16. Now he can pay the registration and certified Copy fees for further processing of the marriage registration

17. The payment of fees will be paid by the Payment gateway of treasury.

18. Receipt from the IGR portal for payment of fees with Treasury e-challan No. Now the Citizen can see is current status of the application as per the screenshot below

19. Now once the 30 days notice period is over, the parties to the marriage can appear for next processing of marriage registration and approval by the marriage officer. The steps are…

a. Registration and certified copy fee payment: As in the online marriage, the parties have already paid the fees in online mode they need not pay the fees again. So they will move to next process of biometrics.
b. Biometrics to be Taken In the operators for all the parties viz bridegroom, bride and witnesses.
c. Verification of parties and proofs by Marriage officer for Marriage Registration.
d. Digital Signature to marriage certified copy Add three Witness details of the parties before biometrics being taken for all the parties.

20. Then the marriage application move to marriage officer for approval and registration. In the login of DSR for Approval of Marriage the dashboard looks like following The approval Process screen sows all the details for marriage registration. After marriage registration, the office copy of the certificate is generated by digital Signature process. Document Upload Stage: after marriage registration, Upload of remaining documents like joint declaration and other documents which are not uploaded in earlier stages.

21. Once the marriage is registered, the certified copy is taken by the parties to the marriage by paying appropriate fees. As it is already paid by the online applicant, the copy is directly approved by the marriage officer in the screen below. Certified copy is approved trough digital signature by the DSR/marriage officer.

22. After the Marriage registration, the certified copy can be taken by the parties in the registration office itself or can download the pdf copy from his dashboard in the application status Page.

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