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Kutumba Karnataka Family ID Enrollment Status Online

Organisation : Government of Karnataka
Facility Name : Check Family Enrollment Status
Applicable State/UT : Karnataka
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How To Check Kutumba Family Enrollment Status?

To check Kutumba Karnataka Family ID Enrollment Status, Follow the below steps

Related / Similar Facility : Kutumba Karnataka Family ID Registration Online

Step-1 : Go to the link
Step-2 : Enter the Family ID
Step-3 : Enter the Captcha and
Step-4 : Click on the button “Check Status”

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How To Know Kutumba Family ID Online?

To know your Kutumba Family ID Online, Follow the below steps

Step-1 : Go to the link
Step-2 : Select the Department ID
Step-3 : Enter ID Number
Step-4 : Enter the Captcha and
Step-5 : Click on the button “Submit”

FAQ On Kutumba Family ID

Frequently Asked Questions FAQ On Kutumba Family ID

1. What is the definition of family?
A family is as defined by the resident. However, husband, wife and unmarried children are considered as minimal members to create/enroll a family in Kutumba system.

2. What if my family does not meet the minimal definition of family?
Kutumba system allows enrollment of families who do not meet the minimal definition of family.

The permitted exceptions are as below:
i. Single members like widow/widower/destitute/unmarried orphan(s) without parents
ii. Unmarried brother/sister living with a married sibling as parents are deceased
iii. Unmarried siblings living together as parents are deceased

3. What are the benefits of a Kutumba identification number?
The Kutumba identification number is helpful for applying for government program/schemes. There is no need to upload required documents every time you apply.

4. Who is eligible to enroll for KUTUMBA?
All residents of Karnataka State are eligible to enroll for Kutumba ID.

5. Do we need to compulsorily add unmarried children but who are adults to the family?
Yes, Unmarried children, whether minor or adult, have to be added to the family.

6. Can couples without any children enroll for Kutumba?
Couples without children can also apply.

7. Can the family with only unmarried brothers and sisters, enroll for Kutumba ID?
Yes, if both their parents are not alive. However, atleast one member of the family must be above the age of 18.

8. Can destitutes enroll for Family ID?
Yes, they can.

9. What is the process to apply for Family ID?
The process is defined in Government circular no DPAR 47 PRJ 2021 dated 11-10-2021. Click here to view the circular.

10. Who can be declared as Single Point of Contact (SPOC)?
Any family member above the age of 18 can be declared as SPOC.

11. What if the mobile number of the applicant is not in active status?
As the OTP will be sent to the mobile number linked to Aadhar of Applicant, mobile number has to be in active state. If the mobile number is not active, the resident must visit the nearest Aadhaar centre or the Post Office to update the mobile number linked to Aadhaar. Click here to know your nearest Aadhaar centre.

12. What are the documents needed for Change of Address?
The address in Aadhar will be used while enrolling on Kutumba. The address cannot be changed in Kutumba, unless changed in Aadhar.

13. Whom should I contact after registering myself in Kutumba?
Applicants from Rural Area should contact the Panchayat Development officer of concerned Gram Panchayat and for urban areas Revenue Officer to be contacted.

14. What all documents are required to be produced during physical verification?
All the documents uploaded during registration need to be produced and any other relevant documents as proof of Marital Status and/or Date of Birth if requested by the verifier are to be produced.

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