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KBOCWWB Funeral Expenses Assistance and Ex-Gratia :

Organisation : Karnataka Building And Other Construction Workers Welfare Board (KBOCWWB)
Scheme Name : Funeral Expenses and Ex-Gratia Assistance
Applicable For : Registered Construction Worker
Applicable State/UT : Karnataka
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How To Apply For KBOCWWB Funeral Expenses Assistance?

Assistance to meet the funeral expenses of a registered construction worker.

Related / Similar Facility : KBOCWWB Medical Assistance Karnataka

If registered construction worker dies, the Secretary, or any other officer authorized in this behalf by the Board, shall pay a sum of [Rs. 4,000(Rupees four thousand only)] to the nominee of the deceased registered construction worker to meet the funeral expenses of the deceased registered construction worker [and an ex gratia amount of [Rs. 71,000 (Rupees fifty thousand only)] shall also be paid to the nominee of the deceased registered construction worker to mitigate the financial hardship caused by the sudden demise.

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The application for claiming the amount specified in sub-rule (1) shall be in Form XVIII and shall be accompanied by the death certificate of the deceased registered construction worker [The registration number of beneficiary for verification of validity and correctness by the Board] in case of non-availability of original identity card.

Procedure for applying:
1. Applicant needs to submit the application.
2. Application processing and Verification by Senior/ Labour Inspector.
3. Review and Approval by Assistant Labour Commissioner

Document Required For KBOCWWB Funeral Expenses Assistance

** Beneficiary/original Identity card, Issued by the board
** Photocopy of bank passbook Beneficiary or Nominee’s in case of beneficiary’s death
** Death Certificate attested by gazetted officer
** Ration Card
** Aadhaar Card
** Employer Certificate
** Any Photo ID proof of Nominee
** Application shall be submitted within one year of death

The Building and Other Construction Worker’s belong to the Unorganized Sector and to regulate their safety, health, welfare and other conditions of these workers, the Central Government has enacted Building and Other Construction Worker’s (Regulation of Employment and Condition of Service) Act 1996 on 01-03-1996 and to augment the resource of this Board “Building and Other Construction Worker Welfare Cess Act 1996 and Central Rules 1998

The Karnataka Building and Other Construction Worker’s Welfare Board Constituted under the provision of the Building and Other Construction Worker’s (Regulation of Employment and Condition of Service) Act 1996 and Karnataka Rules 2006 has been functioning since 18-01-2007 with the objective of implementing the provisions of the said Act and Rules. The office of the board is situated at Bengaluru.

The Objectives of the Board are registering the eligible Building and Other Construction Worker’s as beneficiaries of the Board under the provisions of Building and Other Construction Worker’s (Regulation of Employment and Condition of Service) Act 1996. Disbursement of various welfare and social security benefits to beneficiaries and their dependents and monitoring the collection of the cess at the rate of 1% on the total cost of construction incurred by the Builders/ Employers and various other entities under the provisions of the Cess Act.

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