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Indian Online Consumer Resource & Grievance Redressal System :

Organization : Consumer Coordination Council
Service Name : Indian Online Consumer Resource & Grievance Redressal System
Country: India
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Online Complaint Registration

If you have any grievance against any Brand, Product or Services please register with us for Redressal

Related / Similar Services :
Department of Consumer Affairs Complaint Registration

File via Toll Free No:
Now complaint registration is more easy, just call us on toll free no. and tell us your problem.

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File your complaints on Toll Free No. – 1800-11-4566

How Our New Redressal System Works?:
** Consumer logs on to our website by entering his login Id and password. The server authenticates his contact details, thereby, avoiding any malpractices in filing complaints
** Consumer can go to his account and file complaints, which are categorized amongst various segments for fast redressal and accuracy. He can also check the status of all the previous complaints and responses received to them
** On submission, our Redressal Managers check for the genuineness of the complaint and if found suitable, it is approved in the system for publishing it on the web as a blog; simultaneously, an alert is sent to the brand to view the complaint and respond to it. The response is directly published below the complaint
** Once the response is published, system sends an automatic alert to the consumer to check the response. Complainant is then asked to comment on the reply. If satisfied, the case is treated as CLOSED
** If not, the complainant can write back his point of view, in confidence, to Core Centre and the concerned complaint manager again takes up the issue with brand for resolution. Complainant is blocked to write any comments directly once a response is published by the brand
** Complaint Manager then looks at the whole case and tries to persuade brand and complainant to arrive at a common resolution and closes the case with the comments which are also published on the same blog
** The blog has the entire flow of the complaint along with the responses, which is made available for public viewing
** Brands can register, to respond to the consumer complaints. Once registered, Core Centre authenticates the details provided by them before activating their account.
** If his/her complaint is not resolved within 90 days then he/she will automatically seek remedy through legal recorse.

Consumer Coordination Council (CCC):
Consumer Coordination Council (CCC) was established in March 1993 as a Society registered under the Societies Registration Act of 1860. Before taking the present shape, a group of consumer activists representing various Consumer Organizations gathered (in April 1992) to work as one body, to raise one voice on issues related to consumer interests and various Government policies and programmes affecting the interest of the Consumers.

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